unranked rank iconDIEgod: wa
AdminJoshverd:  Meowdy emote (inline chat version) 
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: thank you regardless
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: I see
AdminJoshverd: which was.... interesting, but it did pay
AdminJoshverd: But I did take a survey today
AdminJoshverd: Nah I haven't played any games recently 
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: and before I leave, you got any game recommendations for me?
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: thank you
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: perfect 
AdminJoshverd:  Vibin emote (inline chat version) 
AdminJoshverd: They're tracking properly most likely
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: I have received the credits for one of the games
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: they seemed simple and easy to test the system with
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: Ive tried both hungry shredder and magnet miner but have gotten nothing from neither
AdminJoshverd: Which game?
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: is there any way to see if I have any "active" games or something?
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: Ive hit two separate milestones on two different games but haven't received anything
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp:  1fae4 emote (inline chat version) 
AdminJoshverd:  Cat Yes emote (inline chat version) 
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: Thank you my man
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: Bet
AdminJoshverd: Yes, for multi-reward offers you will
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: Got it, and do I receive these notifications every time I reach milestone?
AdminJoshverd: Usually pretty quickly but sometimes it can take a few hours to confirm
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: I see, how long does that usually take?
AdminJoshverd: Yes, we send an on-site notification when your offer is credited
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: Do I get a notification or something?
unranked rank icontmercadoportell.mtp: How do I know if I actually reached  my goal and got the money?
AdminJoshverd:  Astute Gentleman emote (inline chat version) 
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pubg mobile czy jeszce warto grac w takie gry jak mozna zagrac na pc

milosq_ avatar


February 14, 2019 at 04:50 AM

moim zdaniem nie ale trohe gram w tom gre

lucek888 avatar


February 14, 2019 at 01:33 PM


Dheikwasb avatar


February 24, 2019 at 03:31 PM

Tak opłaca się grać w TĄ grę.

xkapax avatar


February 27, 2019 at 07:21 PM


Naczod avatar


March 5, 2019 at 06:02 AM

Nie. Dużo zajmuje, mocno obciąża baterie, rozgrywka jest za prosta przez boty

AlanR100 avatar


July 5, 2019 at 02:20 PM

opłaca się grać w tom gre

poland132123 avatar


July 10, 2019 at 02:15 PM

A ja pisze byle co zeby nabuc sobie poziom

poland132123 avatar


July 10, 2019 at 02:16 PM

AlanR10... nie w tom tylko w tą

0bdylan_ avatar


July 10, 2019 at 05:19 PM

Jeśli masz dobrego fona to graj bo to całkiem świetna gra z ciekawą rozgrywka. Jeśli chcesz zagrać na PC to zainstaluj sobie na kompie Bluestack, wszystko masz pokazane na YT jak to zrobić pozdro

GabrieloXDDD avatar


July 12, 2019 at 07:04 PM

Powie tylko tyle ze wedglug mnie i znajonych bardzo sie NIE opłaca

wiktoria5552 avatar


July 13, 2019 at 01:27 AM

Moim zdaniem sie nie oplaca