Pande Bande: bro @Swirfty can you help me plz and see my ticket
Un1que BG: any1 know how long rustclash take to track
Swirfty: 3. is a maybe
Swirfty: 1. and 2. are on the list
brajanek: 4. Set profile picture on site
brajanek: 3. Sound alert on site when you complete offer
brajanek: 2. In earnings top of site under earn,games,cashout sections where people earn for example 1$ offer, when you click it shows name of the offer
brajanek: 1. In chat if you double click someone it pastes @(hisnicktoping)
brajanek: Josh, I have some ideas for site to make it better,
brajanek: @joshverd I invited 5 people, I hope they earn something lool and not be inactive
Joshverd: @yogzire1987 correct! And the more friends you refer, the more you earn.
brajanek: also youtubers , incluensers earning
brajanek: omg this is how affiliate works
yogzire1987: so affiliate system = giving friend a code so I earn a small part of their gain?
Pande Bande: bro is there any help ?
Joshverd: The affiliate system is totally separate from you completing offers
Joshverd: Click the "View Tiers" button on the Affiliates page to see the different commission tiers
Joshverd: No, affiliate commission
yogzire1987: commission on tasks?
Joshverd: Basically, more referrals = higher commission tier
Joshverd: No, the higher affiliate tier you are, the higher commission you earn
yogzire1987: meaning the higher i'm on Gamehag, the more SG i get from affiliate?
Joshverd: That's for affiliate/referral earnings
yogzire1987: i'm Tier 1 it's 5% commission, tier 10 30% commission, but commission on what?
yogzire1987: hello can someone explain the cash out system and tier system ?
Piszcie na tym temacie jaką postacią i kiedy zrobiliście pentakilla
December 29, 2016 at 04:01 PM
Niedawno Anivią. Najgorsze było to że quadre ultem, po jakiś max 10 sec dogoniłem uciekającego dzidka i gp zabiłem. Wyświetliło się jednak seryjny zabójca. Ale nawet przeciwnicy uznali że unofficial p
December 29, 2016 at 11:19 PM
Czas do zrobienia penty jest dość dziwnie liczony, nieraz przeciwnik po godzinie zabił piątego i miał, a ja po 10s nie miałem. Słyszałem plotki że to od czasu na resp jest jakoś liczone.
December 29, 2016 at 11:21 PM
Najlepszą pente miałem Singedem (a się wtedy nabiegałem :P).
December 30, 2016 at 03:19 AM
dzisiaj quadra twitchem i kuzyn dał hita w moją pente ...
December 30, 2016 at 06:14 PM
Tristana (trochę sobie poskakałem)
January 3, 2017 at 10:10 PM
z 5 dni temu katarina na aramie :)
January 6, 2017 at 10:29 PM
nw kiedy ale mam ich ok 16 3 yi ,yasuo .graves rengar, fizz , xin , panteon . miss fortun , j4, jayce ,wukong
January 10, 2017 at 01:41 AM
2 na 5, nasus na rankedzie (dosyć dawno, byłam w brązie IV)