Algo anda mal en el mundo de las finanzas.
Something is amiss in the world of finance.
En cambio, hubo muchas discusiones sobre otro de los síntomas de que algo anda mal.
Instead , there was much discussion of another one of the symptoms that something is wrong.
Es evidente que algo anda mal y que debemos corregirlo.
Clearly we are getting something wrong and we need to get that put right.
Actualmente , no existe suficiente información disponible para suponer que algo anda mal, pero el Parlamento Europeo también tiene su propia responsabilidad.
There is currently insufficient information available to assume that nothing is wrong, but the European Parliament also has its own responsibility.
Algo anda mal en los sectores que deben aprovecharse de ello.
In the case of industries which rely on this, there is something wrong.