4 years ago
Hi! You must be new to Arsenal. You might have some difficulty trying to understand the game mechanics, don't worry. You will be a pro in no time. But first, I will tell you all about Arsenal. Arsenal is a FPS game created by the ROLVe Community in Roblox. It is one of the most popular games in Roblox that it contains 1.1 BILLION visits in almost 5 years of activity. People could kill enemies with all sorts of weaponry, ranging from the typical ones, like pistols and rocket launchers, to outlandish ones like laser projectiles and snowballs. It contains lots of game modes, for example Standard: the person must have 30 kills or assists, and kill someone with the Golden Knife to win, and Concussion Royale: The person must use the Concussion Rifle to get 15 kills or assists to win. The things that I have talked about may seem very difficult to master, but do not worry. In the next paragraph, you will learn the basics of playing the game: the guns, the wins, ways to not lose and many more.