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(2 ratings)
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Review

Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Review

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the new game inspired by the film series created by George Lucas and released on PS4 , Xbox One and PC. The title follows closely what was seen in the first version, released in 2015, and adds good news, such as a campaign mode, which works offline. Still, there are controversial elements, like boxes with random items and matches that do not pass the exact emotion of a game of this saga.

Like any new Star Wars product that came out after Disney's purchase, Battlefront 2 tries to add something unheard of in the already intricate chronology of the series. Now what we have is a campaign mode focused on Iden Versio. But who is the girl? Do not be surprised if you do not really know, because it is an unprecedented character, created especially for this adventure.

Versio is a special agent of the Inferno Squadron, an elite group of Empire pilots, whose mission is to regain power after the defeat suffered in the movie Star Wars The Return of the Jedi. The Battlefront 2 campaign focuses on the young woman, with the mission to take her group to dangerous locations and also prove herself worthy of the post to her father, admiral and commander of a powerful ship.

With moments ranging from good to medium, the Star Wars Battlefront 2 campaign does not stand out at any time. There are parts where we see - and play - classic characters, which we will not detail in order not to deliver spoilers, but it is not something that will stay in your mind for long.

In fact, the story of Battlefront 2 has all the same gameplay as multiplayer, so it gives the impression of being created just to train the user to play online, more or less as it is done in any other title of the genre FPS . Still, the biggest problem is that the campaign is even fun, but not have great moments.
Multiplayer, the heart of Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront has always been a multiplayer series, even in the older versions, released in past generations. This is where the game shines, where it promotes wars of epic proportions with the famous units inspired by the series, when we have breathtaking conflicts and trap you for hours with the control in hand. Or almost.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a game that seems to have vast content, but most stay in the "most of the same" and you do not notice a certain differentiation between modes. Thus, in addition to the campaign, the player has the opportunity to take advantage of the title in two other major segments: multiplayer and arcade. The first is focused on the online battles, which in turn have extra modalities for up to 40 participants, while the second is a cooperative mode for up to two players, which can be enjoyed online or offline.

The multiplayer, for example, presents the Galactic Attack, for 40 units; Attack with Fighters, with 24 participants; Heroes vs. Villains, with up to 8 players; Attack, for up to 16, and finally Batalha, containing 20 users. Note how even the names look alike and suggest replays within the gameplay? The only great variation between them is the size of maps or goals. The only thing that distances the most is the Heroes vs. Villains, which puts you in charge of famous figures, not ordinary soldiers.

Heroes and villains also give faces in main modes, but are unlocked according to their performance. This is a feature that was present in classic Battlefront. The more deaths or targets you meet, the more points you have to buy special units, and this includes the legendary characters like Darth Vader, Kylo Ren or Luke Skywalker, but also more powerful soldiers and heavier weapons.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Photo: Press Release)
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Photo: Press Release)
A game with a better identity?

Battlefront 2 also has the nice new customization of heroes and soldiers. You can even modify the special units by means of cards, the so-called Star Cards, which are unlocked in special boxes. On the one hand this is very good, on the other hand brings a whole new discussion about games that force you to spend too much.
It's that with Star Cards, Battlefront 2 also brought the loot boxes, boxes that give random freebies to anyone who can open or buy one. These boxes are offered as you advance in the progression of the game, buying with fictitious credits obtained in the games. During the launch the game also allowed them to buy them for real money, which disappointed many fans, for forcing them to spend a certain amount that allowed them to get better in the online mode - which could unbalance the games.

"Allowed," because EA backtracked and temporarily disabled the possibility of buying the real money boxes, based on the feedback given by the community. By the close of this review, the function had not returned, so we do not know how Star Wars Battlefront 2 will look in the future.
Although it is behind good ideas, the system of boxes ended up not giving as certain as expected. However, customizing soldiers in unique combinations is a good way to extend the experience with the game, so there's no denying that it's even fun to collect the cards and arrange them in the menu that's made for it.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Photo: Press Release)
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Photo: Reproduction / Felipe Vinha)

A shooting game without many innovations

In terms of gameplay, Star Wars Battlefront 2 does not innovate as much as it could. The game is good, solid, fun to play and with good ideas. There is room for news, such as "minigame" that allows you to reload the weapon faster, in addition to the inclusion of real space battles, but nothing much more. It is still a very traditional shooting game that respects its origins.

If on the one hand this is good, because it does not "change the team that is winning", on the other hand it seems that there is little incentive for those who bought the 2015 game to get this too. Of course we have unpublished units, weapons never before seen and now content from the movie Star Wars Episode 7 The Awakening of the Force, like maps and characters. But is it worth investing in a title that looks like an expansion?

Visually he is very handsome. Here the evolution is clear and shows that in graphic terms, EA does not play in the service. Both characters and scenarios are very detailed and there are visual effects during the games to impress. The dubbing, on the other hand, comes in terrible quality, without respecting even the voices used in the movies here.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Photo: Press Release)


Star Wars Battlefront 2 looks like it gives reason for fans to complain. Strongly based on a system of items and cards to reinforce soldiers, it initially gave advantages to those who paid more for it in multiplayer. Although this system has been deactivated, the game as a whole does not have so many new features that go beyond making it almost an expansion of the previous game. Fun, with good news and a friendly campaign, even without expressive moments, the game is worth to those who are very fan and, even so, only if you want to get much in the mood of the movie that debuts in December.