AdminJoshverd: Vibin emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: Sadge emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: lazy cucks
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: add ltc withdraw option
apprentice rank iconJacob: DonoWall emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: Dancin emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: Yo emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: shut up Josh
AdminJoshverd: reload the page for new emotes
AdminJoshverd: Cash emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: Fixing firefox shortly  1fae1 emote (inline chat version)
novice rank iconzeeshianstuff: hi
unranked rank iconJea: 1f354 emote (inline chat version)
AdminJoshverd: PParrot emote (inline chat version)PParrot emote (inline chat version)PParrot emote (inline chat version)PParrot emote (inline chat version)PParrot emote (inline chat version)PParrot emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconJhefferson Sharian: Fre 
AdminJoshverd: OOOO emote (inline chat version)
apprentice rank iconArc: but uh shogatsu has more money than champions
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: But chat went wild
apprentice rank iconArc: oh goddd
apprentice rank iconArc: the brizz d1 rider
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: Idk what happened in the chat 30min ago
apprentice rank iconArc: oh no its tim
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: Seek Mental help Arc
AdminChristian: oh no its tim
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: monkaS emote (inline chat version)
apprentice rank iconArc: atm
apprentice rank iconArc: champions lost his paypal account and has less money than slayer atn
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: ale
unranked rank iconplaqueboymax: ginger
apprentice rank iconArc: i said i love you when i wish i never did



(160 ratings)
Star Control: Origins - PC Review

Star Control: Origins - PC Review

Star Control: Origins is a Space Adventure, Exploration game full of Action developed & published by Stardock Entertainment on 20 September 2018 on Steam.     Before we start reviewing this game, I want to say that I have never been a fan of Space Exploration games, this game and No Man's Sky have definitely changed my opinion. Yup, it's that good. After visiting the Store Page of this game, I was shocked when I saw that reviews are mixed since I expected them to be positive at least, if not very positive. It's a game that has huge galaxy selection and each one has it's own quests and secrets. I've spent a lot of time playing this game, and I am still experiencing some stuff for the first time. It's a game that is going to be shocking for everyone on the beginning since you'll immediately get an opinion that you'll need a seriously long time to complete it. And that opinion is definitely not going to be wrong.

Since this game has a huge amount of quests, it's logical that it has a great story. 

The Story begins as humanity finds out that we're not alone in the huge universe, but the next thing is not something you'll expect. Nowadays, we think of aliens as of superior beings, much smarter than us, and that's actually not a true, not a case, in Star Conflict: Origins. Your neighbors, aliens, are actually stupid as a rock. Their level of IQ will actually bring your quests enormous fun, which is quite unique, as usually quests are boring as hell in the space exploration games, but the light humour your neighbours have are going to push you forward and that is something I enjoyed in this game. 

Combat System in Star Conflict: Origins is not something I enjoyed, as it doesn't bring anything unique with itself.  It's a basic consume energy-aim -fire,  shooter system. To make it even worse, developers have not even tried to make it better by giving various kinds of weapons, instead, each ship features two weapons and each is same - consume energy-aim-shoot and then recharge it passively in turns. It's a big con of this game, but anyways, it doesn't ruin it completely 'cuz the Graphics Details are playing a great role in it, combat effects are going to, simply, destroy all of its cons and you'll have fun even tho' it's nothing special. 

Graphics of this game are pretty much modern. They're simple and they are(as I have already said) improving the Combat System with its combat effects. Everything in this game, the entire universe, is looking great which makes me say that the graphics details are glorious in this game. 

The Sound fits the game pretty well as it follows each situation you can possibly get into and besides that voice acting is great and realistic.

Star Control: Origins is a game that I personally enjoyed and a game I want to suggest to all of you, whether you are or not a fan of Space Exploration games.  I haven't been one, but as I've already said, No Man's Sky and this one have changed my mind. This game is actually free of bugs and glitches, and it's not a game you'll complete pretty quickly - you'll spend hours and hours of playing, which means you'll have an enormous amount of fun. I'll rate this game 8/10 because of the Combat System. 

I suggest you all to hurry up and buy it while it's on 50% discount on Steam until the 19 March.