Papa Sangre 2 spit wanted to modern trends. Beautiful graphics? In the stove it! System of shelters, verbose dialogues? To nothing! The only thing this game is about to surprise the perplexing user is the perfect sound. Volumetric such, rich in optional items. And frightening to the horror.
Everything here is tied to sound. Forget about the schedule. The screen will occasionally change pictures, giving a vague idea of what is happening now. Without them, the whole idea of Papa Sangre 2 does not make sense. Narrator with a pleasant voice (imagine, Sean Bean (Sean Bean) broadcasts) trying to frighten us unpleasant conversations about death, life after death and the fact that we do not get out of the kingdom of eternal darkness.
You can make an escape, but you need to listen very carefully for this. And follow all the instructions of the mysterious voice. That is, get up, turn around on your axis, move around the room. The latter is permissible to do with the help of two buttons on the screen. The kingdom of the dead is 25 rooms, each of which necessarily has an exit. But to find him is not an easy task. The key to unraveling is a barely noticeable note on the general background of sound. Which you need to catch with your hearing, overtake it and move on to such a distant and almost imaginary, but salvation.
A lot of obstacles will be encountered on the way. The most unpleasant are the boars. Sometimes they even get to eat our hero. If he is not to the point of impossibility cautious. And do not just eat, but also scare us with you disgustingly believable sounds of champing. Be careful -Papa Sangre 2 , as well as it is necessary to all budgetary horror, skillfully uses that circumstance, that contemplation of any monster is not so terrible, as sensation, that behind that angle something terrible has hidden.
Buy good headphones, turn off the light in the house, lock yourself in your room and run Papa Sangre 2 . And be sure to follow all the indications of an unknown voice. Only in this case you will get an indelible impression from communication with this game. And finally make sure that the graphics - not the main component of a good game.
Rate: 8.5/10