Review: Full Metal Furies
Rogue Leagacy, the previous game of the Canadian indie studio Cellar Door Games , paid off in the first hour of sales, collected an armful of awards and became an example of the almost perfect modern "bagel". Therefore, the new work of Canadians (and these are only two brothers) were not just waiting - people knowing were confident that we would again see something original and fascinating.Full Metal Furies is not a platform roguelik like Rogue Legacy , but a cooperative beat 'em up with role-playing elements. What is already pleased - the authors do not stand still, cultivating the same bed, and mastering a new one. Of course, there is a similarity ("pixel" visual style, emphasis on uneasy, to put it mildly, battles, "pumping"), but everything is perceived freshly and in a new way.
And first of all stands out the fact that the plot in Full Metal Furies is not the last place. The plot itself seems to be simple - a detachment of "all-metal" furies, namely girls of different classes (there is a "tank" with a shield, a warrior with a hammer, a sniper and an engineer), goes to the warpath with the Titans to save the world for the glory of the fallen god Prometheus .
But the screenwriters more than once and not two surprise, forcing us, for example, to fight with the same Prometheus or with a huge talking planet. Yes, and humor, as you already understood, there is plenty. Sam setting on the brink of comedy and madness - here and Ancient Greece with the Titans and Charon in addition, and travel to Babylon, to space and even to other worlds.
Characters are also registered at the level. Girls have different characters and constantly chatting among themselves, more than once making them smile. An engineer named Erin regularly pushes some abstruse speeches, for example about the same Babylon and proto-language, than constantly injects into a stupor a sniper who does not take out cigarettes from his mouth. And the first "boss", the rolling of Menetius, calls the furies at night, brags with muscles, and when meeting with them as a compensation offers everyone a subscription to the gym.
Clearly, there is already no "random", which was in the Rogue Legacy . All the missions that we select on the global map, both plot and side, have a clear script, a set of enemies, scripts and locations.
By the way, here, too, should applaud the authors. In addition to the usual tasks in the spirit of "go from point A to point B, killing all on the way" is full and much more non-trivial options. The most interesting, when everything that happens turns into sort of mini-games in the spirit of "old school" arcades - we are offered to run along the corridors, dodging the flying projectiles or trying to destroy as quickly as possible the guns aimed at the fury. And somewhere, for example, you need to survive for a certain time, while you are being fired from all sides of the turret. Sometimes even riddles have to be solved.
And still the main thing in Full Metal Furies is, of course, the battles and everything connected with them. Again, the scheme seems to be simple. Each girl has her own fighting style and unique abilities. "Tank" can, with a running start, push everyone out with its shield and yell with a good mate, causing damage to others. The warrior spins with her hammer and knows how to jump, the engineer with the gun throws the turret and rolls around, and the sniper puts mines and produces powerful shots at a distance, capable of damaging enemies even in the air.
All this, of course, can and should be "pumped". In the camp where we go between missions, for the earned coins they are allowed to pick up different characteristics of the selected fury (health, strength, efficiency of skills, etc.), buy some talent or purchase new equipment if a proper drawing was previously found - so, boots the warrior will not only allow you to jump, but to make the whole "Pique of power", damaging your enemies when you fall.
In addition, in reward for the passage of the plot missions issue special items that affect the unit as a whole. There, too, could not do without humor. Pandora's box grants discounts in the store, the golden fleece opens the page of equipment, "a tablet of muses with hilarious anecdotes" allows you to "pump" outfit, which affects all furies. A cat's food calls a funny cat, which will continue to follow the girls and sometimes even fly by parachute in the midst of the battle.
However, it is clear that the authors of the Rogue Legacy could not help inventing something like that. In their last game, they introduced an amusing system of inheritance and the ability to choose heroes with congenital pathologies such as color blindness and dyslexia (there was even a paladin homosexual!), And in the new fairly revived the familiar cooperative.
Even in solitary mode, you need to play two heroines, switching instantly between them. And on the local network or online to you can join up to three other players. Ideally, of course, you need to fight full squad, which includes all four furies. And that's why.
The fact is that in addition to the usual enemies regularly come across those who are protected by spheres of different colors. And only girls of the same color can destroy them. I think that you yourself understand which of these conclusions lead to, how this immediately increases the dynamics and tension of the team game, the importance of each fighter and the need to revive the fallen comrades in time.
From other interesting nuances I will note the possibility of interrupting special techniques of the enemy with their spetsataks and blocks, and this also acts in the opposite direction. In addition, it allows you to combine the abilities of heroines and even build air combos to shoot opponents in the air. Best of all, this, of course, works in an online or local co-op, where you do not need to constantly switch between furies, forcing your fingers and keyboard.
Rate: 9/10