Released back in 2010 the sequel to TaleWorlds Entertainments hit game Mount and Blade is still one of the most extensive and, with a tremendous number of high quality mods, replayable medieval open world RPG sandbox games.
Mount & Blade Warband places the player in command of a rowing band of fighters, in the faraway fictional land of Calradia, in the midst of a raging civil war. And that’s the end of it, your role in the future of Calradia is entirely up to you. Want to become a vassal of a king or unite the land under one ruler? In Warband you can. Want to ignore the politics and become a wandering merchant, mercenary captain or why not a bandit, oppressing peasants and raiding caravans. Go ahead and make your mark.
The game is split between a grand map where the player moves his (or her) party around and integrate with other objects by clicking on them (ever heard the sad tale of when all the functions went to a party? Everyone had a jolly good time integrating with each other. Except for e^x, who couldnt see the point XD).
Upon encountering hostile parties the player has the choice of either attempting to avoid conflict or meet them on the fields of battle, which brings us to the battle map.
The battle map is where you will lead your troops in glorious combat against, well, however you choose to fight (or hunts you down). In battles you are not a superhero, so forget about leading from the frontline or leading by example, you will get killed just as easily as the soldier next to you. Instead take the role of a proper commander, stay behind your troops and issue orders, don't enter combat unless absolutely necessary or to hunt down routing hostiles.
Replay Value
Due to not having a story and being a sandbox game Mount and Blade Warband has a tremendous replay value. If you played as an ironclad knight fighting for the honor of the kingdom of Swadia in one game, why not try and play as an infantry captain or archer in the next. Start your own kingdom or fight as a sell-sword. The possibilities are endless.
Adding to the replay value there are a tremendous amount of mods for the game, simulating anything from early medieval England to fantasy settings like Game of Thrones and the Lord of the Ring.
Expect hundred of hours of fun from this title (according to steam I have played for over 600 hours now, and still love it)
My Most Humble Opinion
I would give this game a 9 out of 10 and strongly recommend it to anyone interested in sandbox simulations or medieval combat. Definitely worth its 20 bucks price-tag.
Its main drawback is the graphics, which considering the game has a few years isn't that bad really. And most mods has their own high definition textures