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    How it works

    Would you rather have 5 feet as fingers or 5 hands as toes?

    Would you rather have 5 feet as fingers or 5 hands as toes? Reasons to choose option 1: -You can run on 4 feet faster than anybody -You can run faster to the hospital to get the feetngers removed Reasons to choose option 2: -You can cut the hantoes off yourself at home -you can call an ambulance easier

    27 january 2023 17:19 1628

    Neither, Both are painful and Not for me lol....

    27 january 2023 20:45 1628

    i would rather have five hands instead of feet. to me, my hands are more easily controlled, and it would mean that i could have increased multitasking potential.

    28 january 2023 00:30 1628

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