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    I can't redeem the games that I WORKED FOR

    So I did a bunch of activities in order to gain 800 gems, I bought a chest and won some random game. But I can't even redeem the game, because for some reason, now it says I have to be Level 3 to redeem it. I think that is a pretty scummy thing to do, if you ask me. Why don't you mention that BEFORE I'm buy the **** chest?

    21 january 2023 17:26 8369

    yeah i feel you man...

    22 january 2023 09:06 8369

    i'm going to remove your message due language, please keep the langauge clean :)

    if you was downgraded, its due spam, i guess, as each mesasge removed will cause you to lose xp agian.

    also it dont belong in suggrestions and ideas, so locking this.

    25 january 2023 20:29 8369

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