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    website issues

    how can you trust a platform with tracking your quest progress when it can't track your daily login? and when you complain about it you get your post removed and XP deducted for whatever reason they made and when you contact support they say "we checked everything on our end... it must be you... here is what might have gone wrong..." (BTW don't waste your time with the state of survival quest its impossible unless you're willing to pull out your credit card). invest some of the affiliate money you get into fixing this broken website

    19 july 2022 08:31 1628

    HI, i know theres been an issue with the SG by daily log in and it should be fixed after as i know.

    - many of the xp people lose is mainly due they spam, comment on spam (and the topic gets removed) or they break some rule of gamehag, like advertising, foul language etc.

    19 july 2022 21:34 1628

    yeah the site is broken

    22 august 2023 16:00 1628

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