First of all, let me greet you. I am berroni, and in this topic, you will read about the best upcoming PC games, and about the most popular nowadays question - What are the best upcoming PC games of 2020?. I will do my best to stay simple and short, yet again. After all, it is just a topic and there is no need at all for a big talk. There is nothing else I can say to you in this introduction except these simple words: Sit back, relax & mark your calendar.
As we all already know, this year will be and already is full of genre surprises and changes. From the slightest details of M&B II: Bannerlord changing the Two-Handed mode from a sword that is swung by two hands to two swords in the two hands, which did mark medieval genre from its release into the future - to the incredible Half-Life, let's say 3rd part which everyone expected and complained about until 2 years ago. What are your expectations from this new Half-Life? The first one brought us Counter-Strike which is played from that period to now no matter which release, is this Alyx one planning to fight the Riot's strike of Valorant(tf2 and csgo source code leak now? one more Valorant is coming or they just threated, I am currently awaiting the next big title to suspect it) to Valve through the VR feature? I am expecting much from Alyx indeed, Half-Life was genre-changing and who knows, this one could actually bring some interesting PC-changes when we watch from the VR point of the view, let's not say the genre. From the slightest to one of biggest mysteries, but don't forget that almost-forgotten Monster Hunter World's Iceborne DLC ate all other games improvements, and let's just say that Season 6 of PUBG has started(which indeed is the main event of most steam community members)
The closest releases are Gears Tactics and Moving Out, both releasing on April 28th. Which one are you currently waiting for?
May is not bringing much of the titles, but 3 big ones are coming indeed
Wasteland 3
The first one, coming out May 19th is the Wasteland 3. There is no Early-Access for this game on Steam, but pre-purchase is available for you not to worry later on if you miss the first day. The third release will follow its pre sequel Wasteland 2 which won the title of Game of the Year which put the post-apocalyptic genre one step above, where it always deserved to be. I am quite surprised with its studio inXile Entertainment which gave almost none information of its product, relying on its pre sequel - nothing for the ones who have not played it. That is quite a flaw in its promotion, but yet the story is quite interesting. It is based in post-apocalyptic ice-cold Colorado, which is a surprise for everyone, there will be a lot of dialogue that will frustrate you & make you regret your spent money. For fans of turn-based games it might be surprising, but personally - I will downvote it as a flaw of the year due to the studio's unprofessionalism in each promotional way.
Cancerous Trending
The second game you should not expect from the May is critical cancer that will overflow your youtube gaming trending scene. I will suggest you not to open it from the May 26th(not only PC, this time PS4, XBOX One & Switch too) to the May 26th of 2025.
Fast & Furious Crossroads
Michelle Rodriguez and Vin Diesel will once again, developed by Slightly Mad Studios(Project Cars) and published by Bandai Namco, blow your mind. The game promised what nobody could expect last year when it was announced, heists. It will roar its machine onto PC, PS4 & Xbox One, and it indeed will drop at the end of this May. The interesting fact is that the next movie Fast & Furious 9 hits the theatre the same month. I can +rep the one who gave idea of this release date, and I would when I would be the same level as him. It is a team-based vehicular-heist game, and If you want to play this game first watch the movie since you may ruin it by playing the game firstly. Let's not review it further, the important fact is that it's coming.
At the month of July, date fourtheen, you can expect a new title called Death Stranding. The game did shock the PC community due to its high attention it granted to the Dazzling Visuals & Realistic Emotional Momentum. The game is developed by Kojima Productions(Hideo Kojima - Each Metal Gear Solid) and published by our very famous 505 Games which did fill our hearts with joy quite often. The game already has its pre-purchase option available on Steam Store & 13000 peoples have already brought it. This one bring you never before experienced genre-defying. It is your quest to brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Use your courageousness and carry the remnants of the civilization's future in your own hand, embark on a journey to reconnect the dissipated world step by step.
Through the September there are 2 big titles coming out. The first one is Cyberpunk 2077, where is absolutely no need to talk about it since everything is already told.
Both games are coming out for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Stadia.
The second one, more interesting to me personally, is
Marvel's Avengers, being published on September 4th. Yes, you have heard me well. It's a big step from this company, and in its game they are offering the world a chance of living as their favourite Avenger in the Marvel Universe. After the shock of their last released movies end, the shock appears in this game directly at the beginning. A terrifying event where they all fail, monster ultimately tears the team apart and see them losing one of their own. Guess who, lol. But, years later, they all are forced to reassemble since there is even a greater threat to civilization. They will do it, and it's your choice to guide them from now on.
TBC (To be confirmed)
- The Elder Scrolls: Blades – (Switch :/)
- Dying Light 2 – (PC, PS4 and Xbox One)
- Destroy All Humans! Remake - (PC, PS4, Xbox One and Stadia)
- Microsoft Flight Simulator – (PC, Xbox One) - I am waiting for this 32GB RAM ideal CPU-swarm
- Skull and Bones – (PC, PS4 and Xbox One) - Everything Pirate fans have awaited for. The talk about it started 4 years ago.
- Gods and Monsters – (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch and Stadia)