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    How Do You Get Tracking Credit w/o Destroying Tracks?

    So I'm working on my Campaign missions and LT-4.4 requires you to destroy 3 tracks and get 500+ track assist damage. After meeting this requirement in a match the after-battle report showed that I had only destroyed two tracks and had merely "damaged" the third...but yet it also showed that I got tracking assist damage for the tank that I had only damaged the tracks of. WG Support stated "working as intended" but...how?

    18 december 2017 23:22 1

    Perhaps you reset the repair counter on an already destroyed track?

    Or you shot the other track of a tank that was already tracked?

    18 december 2017 23:39 1

    The replay isn't showing up, did you set it to private?

    18 december 2017 23:41 1

    It's supposed to be set to direct link so clicking on it should work, but I'll go check it out.
    I've updated the link in the OP, it should work now.

    18 december 2017 23:46 1

    If you reset the repair counter then the other tank still gets tracking credit and if you destroy the opposite track then it still shows up as a destroyed module. I guess it's possible that a reset of the repair counter started giving me tracking credit once the first tank's "timer" for the tracking ran out? Though that is seriously convoluted and I would think you would still get credit for destroying the module.

    18 december 2017 23:46 1

    If I'm not mistaken, resetting a repair counter still counts

    18 december 2017 23:52 1

    If a player repairs a module, it won't show up as broken in the end screen. So this tank likely fixed their track and later had it damaged by you, or something.

    18 december 2017 23:52 1

    Yeah, looks to me like you should have gotten credit for it.

    18 december 2017 23:56 1

    Thankfully I redid the mission a few battles later, but I'm honestly curious how this is "working as intended" as the WG response didn't exactly tell me anything.

    18 december 2017 23:56 1


    29 december 2017 12:35 1

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