November 14, 2017 at 04:00 PM
I've been playing this game for many rounds, and it's as addictive as any other shooter I've played. But now I'd like to know if there's more to all this?
November 14, 2017 at 04:00 PM
I mean, I know the game has a ranked gamemode where you aim for the highest rank, and prove that you know how to play the game. But let me compare it to League of Legends for a moment. In LoL, you also earn a currency to unlock new heroes and other minor things. You can also aim for lootcrates and hope for skins. In CS:GO, there seems to be drops, which has a weekly limit and occurs randomly.
So, is there really more to CSGO or is it really just join a game and enjoy the moment at hand? Over time, this is a real turn off for me. When playing a survival game, like Minecraft of ARK, it's great to see what you've achieved after spending so much time. With Moba's it's great to see all the skins and heroes you've unlocked. With other shooters, I enjoyed earning virtual money by playing to personalize my character.
Does CSGO offer anything like this on its own? By that, I mean without having to rely on paying real money or a third party, like trading with other players or sites like Gamehag.
PS: I didn't post it on the CSGO group, because I couldn't open the page.
November 14, 2017 at 04:07 PM
Other example: In PUBG, you get battle points after a match, which can be used to open crates.
In rocket league, you get an item after every game, guaranteed.
November 14, 2017 at 04:13 PM
In cops and crims on Hypixel (basically, CSGO on Minecraft for people still playing on Windows XP or Mac), you get coins to upgrade yourself to get an advantage (making it a little bit unfair), and also have daily/weekly quests which you can work towards and earn you more coins and experience for Hypixel.
November 14, 2017 at 04:35 PM
There are skins and that requier real money, a lot of it....
And as for levelling up/ranking up, you'll get a new item for ranking up everytime once a week, that item may be a skin, case or even a graffittiiiiii
November 14, 2017 at 04:43 PM
And that's it? The only way for me to get things personalized without using real money and being allowed to choose what I want, is to rely on Gamehag and other sites?
November 14, 2017 at 09:55 PM
I think that there is a progression in the skill side even if it's a small one and besides that random drops after the match ends (not every match) are a thing too (and a kind of progression too)
and xp too and service medals ...
November 15, 2017 at 02:58 PM
Well in that case, I've certainly played shooters that were better. And free. But this game has an easy way of using a soundboard, so I can have some fun with that. Already added some Rick and Morty stuff to it for some fun.
Someone got schwifty when I asked everyone to SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!
November 15, 2017 at 07:39 PM
Not in official servers, but you can farm skins in third-party services like Zengaming,PvPro,Challenge.me or even FaceIt. You can even farm coins from only logging in. ZENGAMING -> https://zengaming.com?r=23238
PvPro -> https://www.pvpro.com Referal code for FREE COINS ->"MarkataVeLek"
Challenge.Me -> http://cme.gg/invite-from/HighStrawberry
FaceIt -> https://www.faceit.com/en?referral=5060a3a1-c9c9-4435-91a9-809a6533c3c2
I am sending referral links because you will earn coins/points by registering from them :)
January 9, 2019 at 08:09 PM
Your character doesnt get better yoy get better. The only other progression is ranks. S1 to Global
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