October 10, 2017 at 08:30 AM
More information below.
October 10, 2017 at 08:50 AM
bad :(
October 10, 2017 at 09:11 AM
This is too bad for us.
October 10, 2017 at 09:31 AM
October 10, 2017 at 09:37 AM
Bad for us :(
October 10, 2017 at 11:29 AM
Wait, what did they experience that made them break up their relationship with Gamehag? Seems like a pretty important detail to me that they conveniently didn't mention. Well whatever, less codes in the future, more people asking for them...
October 10, 2017 at 02:13 PM
One can only speculate what had caused the end between the two. However, I can make an educated guess on what had actually happened.
What was the final push factor which had caused their abrupt end? I will try to share with you in chronological order.
2:00 PM 9th October 2017, Monday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Incitement 3 Giveaway Started by GameHag.
It was an Instant Win giveaway, so everyone who participated will receive a key for Incitement 3
Giveaway link (Giveaway Already Ended): https://gamehag.com/giveaway/6
Reddit post on /r/FreeGamesOnSteam about this giveaway: https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGamesOnSteam/comments/759jeg/incitement_3/
2:06 PM 9th October 2017, Monday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Steamburnerdutch (An active GameHag member) messaged Makin (GameHag's Staff Member) on Discord.
Their conversation:
"Steamburner - 2:06 PM 9th October 2017, Monday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
The giveaway is giving out duplicated keys
I checked myself and also got a duplicate
See the #support channel [In GameHag's Official Discord]
It's about this: https://gamehag.com/giveaway/6
Makin - 2:13 PM 9th October 2017, Monday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
2:23 PM 9th October 2017, Monday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Several user reports about receiving an invalid/duped Steam key for Incitement 3 posted on the forum
The final report was by Steamburnerdutch, who created a thread to ask if anyone had received a working Steam Key from that giveaway.
He himself did not receive a working Steam Key.
Read this thread here: https://gamehag.com/forum/t/21465-anyone-got-a-working-code-from-the-gamehag-giveaway
3:00 PM 9th October 2017, Monday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Incitement 3 Giveaway (Forcefully) Ended by GameHag
4:03 PM 9th October 2017, Monday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
New Giveaway Started for Data Hacker
It was an Instant Win giveaway, so everyone who participated will receive a key for Data Hacker
Giveaway link (Giveaway Already Ended): https://gamehag.com/giveaway/7
Reddit post on /r/FreeGamesOnSteam about this giveaway: https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGamesOnSteam/comments/75adwf/data_hacker_initiation/
4:49 PM 9th October 2017, Monday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Statement by Chrissu, GameHag's founder, on Steamburnerdutch's thread, apologising for the invalid thread and immediately ending the giveaway for Incitement 3.
Statement by Chrissu:
"Sadly, we had some issues with our provider and we have received many bad game codes. This giveaway has been cancelled and we have already started an other one, sorry for the trouble!"
5:20 PM 9th October 2017, Monday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Announcement released by @Daniël#2807 (MarvelousGA's founder) on MarvelousGA's Discord, criticising GameHag for their "lack of professionalism", and breaking all ties with GameHag.
October 10, 2017 at 02:16 PM
IMHO the only one acting with "lack of professionalism" in this matter is MarvelousGA
October 10, 2017 at 02:21 PM
This might not be the only factor which had led to the end of MarvelousGA's partnership with GameHag.
Other factors may include (Source: One of MarvelousGA's Discord Member):
1) Rigging of chests
2) Delay on rewards
3) Refusal of tasks despite their meeting the requirements
4) Marvelous support doing GameHag's support's work
5) Chest codes expiring too quickly
6) Receiving differing amounts of Soul Gems for identical tasks due to difference in location
7) Duplicate Steam Keys for cheap rewards (Such as Reset 1+1)
October 10, 2017 at 02:32 PM
:( Bad
October 10, 2017 at 02:50 PM
That might be true, but it's only marvelousGA's side of the story
1)I have received duped keys on marvelous
2)I have lost my keys because marvelous republished them on dupedornot while i kept them for trades
3)MagicCookies(marvelous) got paid in Paypal, instead of the rewards like the rest of us
4)MarvelousGA snatched away people's referrals which they worked hard on getting
5)MarvelousGA kept reported expired Gamehag codes with an available keycount published on their site
6)Gamehag codes are meant to be given away, not sold for tasks
7)It was almost impossible for users on Gamehag to compete with MagicCookies in daily rank
8)Gamehag provided service to marvelousga in forms such as replacing referrals when asked to Misty
9)The best keys on marvelousGA (triple A keys) were only available as RANDOM rewards in Gamehag chests
Also when users on Gamehag receive a duplicate key they can contact support and they will be refunded
October 10, 2017 at 02:59 PM
Thank you Steamburner, for adding to the other side of the story. :slight_smile:
October 10, 2017 at 04:24 PM
Hi there, to be clear, I'm not the Gamehag's founder :) I'm the Community Manager for the French and international version of our application. Although I will not write about the event mentionned above, I will try to clarify some things listed by Kabash.
1. The chests are certainly not rigged. Please bear in mind that the chests are cheaper than the reward itself. You may or you may not get the reward you want, this is the same thing for any chest in any application. If you want to be sure you will get the game you wish to have, please consider to keep some Soul Gems for you reward. Also, remember that the codes you got from any third-party partner where totally for free and you did not have to spend anything, even the points you got.
2. The delays is a thing we are working on unceasingly. We want to provide any reward as soon as possible - we are still optimizing our cooperation with our partners in order to keep up with sending you the codes. Bear in mind that the rewards are usually sent within 10 minutes to 72 hours. Some of them are delayed as we were currently out of stock (we always try to disable the unavailable rewards asap) or because we have to verify the orderer's account closer. If it happens that your reward has a considerably big delay, always try to reach our support. We are here to help you guys!
3. We do know that the task refusal may be a bit confusing, that is why we recommend to read the FAQ first if such event happens. However, even if a task is rejected, you can still contact Misty. There is no such option that a task which was completed correctly will stay refused.
4. Our support team is working hard to help everyone. We have created our own Discord server as we have seen, that this support method is really appreciated by you, guys. There was certainly no such need to have any third-party person doing their work, although we care about any help provided by our users - yes, Steamburner, I am writing to you :) I will always read your feedback, so if there is any issue you have with our support you can always reach me :)
5. All the codes we generate have a limited availability. However, any report of this kind always resulted in extending the code's lifetime. We have started recently our own giveaway system which does not have such issues and everything is officialy supported by our team.
6. Each country is treated by us individually and we always try to provide as much of possibilites to get Soul Gems as we can.
7. This is an issue I have already wrote about in an other thread. We have received various reports about duplicated game codes and we are aware of this problem. Anyone who wrote to us and provided a valid proof received a refund. We do apologize for this inconvienience and I can assure you we will choose our providers more carefuly :)
October 10, 2017 at 04:40 PM
Thanks for the insights @Chrissu !
October 10, 2017 at 05:20 PM
I have purchase the 5 Euro steam key rewarded for a week and I haven't received it yet. Yeah "within 10 minutes to 72 hours" my a s s
October 10, 2017 at 05:24 PM
workerofsecret, please read carefuly the second point of my statement :) In the case of your reward, we are currently awaiting their delivery from our partner. The Steam Cards are a very popular reward which does run out of stock very quickly.
October 10, 2017 at 05:40 PM
Hey Chrissu I have a question for you.How many members have you got over at Gamehag and how does your system work?
After a reward is bought,do you yourselve's have to buy them and send it to us?
Thank you.
October 10, 2017 at 05:41 PM
Ah okay, how about Call Of Duty: Black Ops. I have requested for its activation for more than a month (yes your heard me), a-month.
If you don't have the game code, why would you even put it as the reward?
October 10, 2017 at 05:50 PM
Dear workerofsecret, an activation request does not mean that it will be activated immediately. If our provider does not have this game in stock, we cannot reactivate it - that is why we did disable this reward in the first place.
AgRoTheLeGeNd, most of the rewards which are currently available are in stock. However, some of them may be ordered before we were able to temporantly remove them from the shop. This is the case of the rewards which are really popular. Please bear in mind, that if you are waiting for a game code to be delivered for more than a week, you can always try to ask Misty.
October 10, 2017 at 05:58 PM
This is quite interesting, regardless of the causes and controversies, what will happen to gamehag? Will the reward prices be jacked up because of losing the Marvelous deal?
October 10, 2017 at 06:16 PM
Good riddance :relieved:
October 10, 2017 at 06:18 PM
Truthfull I always deemed Marvelous to be pretty shady because of their involvement with Rex, but I think that gamehag should really be quick about getting another deal for keys, losing a titan like Marvelous, a really shady titan, is definitely a bad blow.
October 10, 2017 at 06:41 PM
@gabriel_edrick_o._acuña - I fail to see why it's so bad for Gamehag? The only thing MarvelousGA did was get new users to Gamehag, users that arrived in MarvelousGA's own downline, after doing tasks for MarvelousGA and started earning referral rewards for MarvelousGA here on Gamehag.
Above resulted in MarvelousGA often being at the top of Daily rank which in turn again earned rewards for MarvelousGA.
IMHO Gamehag's business model is more solid than that from Marvelous, especially now because Steam is kicking tradingcard-flipping-gamedevs off the platform more and more.
Those low-valued shovelwares are getting harder to obtain, and without those free-key sites like Marvelous will have a hard time to do their business.
Even if you look now Marvelous mostly offers Ichio keys
October 10, 2017 at 06:56 PM
I agree with everything you've just said, though I still think that losing a deal with a key provider is still quite bad. P.S I'm of two minds about the trading card thing. It promotes quality in Steam games but it also removes one of the two ways I earn steam credits. :(
October 10, 2017 at 07:13 PM
Hi Chrissu! Thank you for clarifying the above. :grin:
Those had been made by a user from MarvelousGA's Discord. Hence, their comments will be biased towards MarvelousGA and will criticise some parts of GameHag.
Knowing that, we would like to see both sides of the story as well as opinions from about this issue, therefore I have included MarvelousGA's opinion while Steamburnerdutch has kindly included GameHag's opinion. With that said, I appreciate the fact that you have taken the time to type out a reply to each and every comment made by MarvelousGA's member. I will be relaying this information back to him, and I hope that you will not mind that.
I wish GameHag all the best from now, and I will continue to support both GameHag and MarvelousGA whatever the future might look like for them. :slight_smile:
I apologize for referring you to as GameHag's founder, but if you don't mind, could you please inform me on who had created this wonderful site?
Thank you, and I hope you have a great day ahead!