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    Sweet Maker - DIY Match3 Mania

    (3.93/5) 476 Wertungen

    Über Sweet Maker - DIY Match3 Mania

    Sweet Maker is a simple "three in a row" game, in which the task is to put the sweets in a certain way. We will find hundreds of levels, but if this is not enough, we have the opportunity to play the levels made by our friends and other players, as well as we can create the levels ourselves and share it with the world - no similar game has such functionality!

    The graphics and the music are fabulous and bright! After playing some levels you will see really powerful and colorful effects of the combos. It's just a perfect combination for the title about candies.

    In the game there are many different bonuses that you can use - in order to repel all attacks of the opponents you can activate unique abilities such as... marmalade! Each level is getting more and more difficult, and the end of the stage offers you an epic battle with the boss!

    Well, are you ready to conquer the world of sweets? Don't wait any longer and download this application on your mobile device, because the game is completely for free!

    21838 Nutzer spielen gerade Sweet Maker - DIY Match3 Mania

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    Forum Sweet Maker - DIY Match3 Mania

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    News über Sweet Maker - DIY Match3 Mania

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    Meinungen zu Sweet Maker - DIY Match3 Mania

    not good game

    21 September 2018 00:52

    News über Sweet Maker - DIY Match3 Mania

    Dieses Spiel hat noch keine Beiträge.

    Wusstest du, dass du für das verfassen von Beiträgen Seelenjuwelen erhalten kannst? Und zwar diese Anzahl: 250Soulstone?

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    not good game

    21 September 2018 00:52