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Task 3 "win the battle" is a timely event which is allways at 8pm server time, I think it was called something like "game of thrones"
Task 1 is with lvl 24, task 2 is with lvl 30 but what is meant with task 3 "win the battle" ?
Astrals come late approx. LVL 25 they are in the Astro Menu
how to change name`´
Ok, now I got it. Whats meant with "lvl 24" is not your charcterlevel (mine was lvl 27 when I arrived there and therefore I was confused). So previous "hints" from other Users have been a bit misleading or not very precise.
It refers to what is written inside the Quest Info Box on the right side of the screen in front of each Quest so for the first Quest it is
[Lv.23] Astra
just play on and you will get there no matter what your character level is