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    Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues

    (2/5) 14 Wertungen

    Über Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues

    Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues - RPG that allows you to play alone or in network MMO games. Game was created in the walls of Portalarium by the main designer Richard Garriott, father of the legendary Ultima series. The action of Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues virtues occur in a magical land of fantasy that has been prepared with very great affection for details. The peoples inhabiting organized into unique civilizations, with their own traditions and an extensive history. The authors have provided players with great freedom - we decide whether our character will begin to conquer adventures or choose a career as a buyer or farmer. When we start the game, we have to answer a series of questions that will determine the hero’s psychological profile and his system of values. During the game, we are forced to make hard decisions regularly, and then deal with their consequences. The virtual world that we visit offers a high level of interactivity and will allow builders to build the houses. The game allows you to play as part of a traditional single-player campaign and participate in online MMORPG games. Such a large range of modes allows an ingenious system of classification of multiplayer elements, thanks to which the players themselves decide whether they want to play alone without any connection to the Internet, in a small group of friends or on servers open to everyone.

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    Meinungen zu Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues

    ist das ein mmo ? oder ist das sowas wie clash royale

    21 Dezember 2019 11:19

    wie auch immer, es sieht geil aus und deshalb kauf ich's mir

    21 Dezember 2019 11:19

    Belohnungen für Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues

    Zur Zeit haben wir keine Belohnungen für Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues. Schau dir die andere Belohnungen an!

    News über Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues

    Dieses Spiel hat noch keine Beiträge.

    Wusstest du, dass du für das verfassen von Beiträgen Seelenjuwelen erhalten kannst? Und zwar diese Anzahl: 250Soulstone?

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    ist das ein mmo ? oder ist das sowas wie clash royale

    21 Dezember 2019 11:19

    wie auch immer, es sieht geil aus und deshalb kauf ich's mir

    21 Dezember 2019 11:19