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    Über Money Racing

    Money Racing is a special browser-based racing game, in which the biggest advantage is the real money withdrawal. The developers of the game did not put a lot of attention at graphics or the real physics of the game, as the effects here are not the same as in other car simulators. But here with each start there is a risk and adrenaline, since winning means additional rubles in your pocket. It is not necessary to spend money in the game at once, because you can have an access to two modes: the main one, where the race costs twenty cents, but if we win, we can multiply our contribution or train which is free and helps to get acquainted with the track. You just need to know that the tracks are different from those that in the paid mode. Another plus of the game is time. The race lasts about 2-3 minutes, which allows you to play it even when we have a limited amount of time. Do not wait, get behind the wheel and win the race!

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