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    Über Iron Sky

    Iron Sky is a space simulator with elements of a strategy game. The game was released by the Polish Reality Pump studio of Mirosław Dymka. The plot of the game is based on a science-fiction movie of the same name. Just like in the film, the Nazis want to finish what they started during the Second World War. After years spent in hiding on the moon, they are planning the invasion of our planet. Our job is to stop their insidious plans and defeat the opponent. To do this, we play the role of the head of the Earth's defense forces. It is us who are responsible for the destruction of the main Nazi base on our planet. Both strategy and dexterity are important in this game. Using the mini map, we can observe the moving enemy units and positions of our allies. The arcade part consists of the efficient steering of the ship and eliminating enemies. Over time, we get access to more and more advanced ships. We also have numerous weapons and additional equipment at our disposal. During the game, in addition to the main campaign, we receive a number of missions to accomplish. We can decide in which order and how to follow them. During the movie interludes we can see real actors known from Iron Sky. Also the soundtrack of the game refers to the music from the film and the original Reality Pump engine that reproduces very realistically all the ships.
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    Ich liebe dieses spiel über alles, das ist mein lebneben

    20 Dezember 2019 12:19


    1 Mai 2020 17:55

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    Ich liebe dieses spiel über alles, das ist mein lebneben

    20 Dezember 2019 12:19


    1 Mai 2020 17:55