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    Über HEX: Shards of Fate

    Hex is a game which shouldn’t be ignored by any Magic the Gathering, Duel of Champions and Hearthstone fan. This graphically stunning MMOTCG, having perfectly polished animations and great music attires us not only with its design, but most of all its quality.

    The game mechanics are first of all reminding us the paper card games. The quality of matches depends, however, mainly of the players you play with, which in this case isn’t a big deal, as the Hex community represents a very high level.

    The game balance depends of our ability of making a deck we’ll use and strategic thinking. A constant commitment to the game do not allow anyone to be bored and round by round, we’re even more absorbed.

    In conclusion: Hex: Shards of Fate is a game we certainly cannot ignore.

    1161 Nutzer spielen gerade HEX: Shards of Fate

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