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    Über Eldarya

    Eldarya is a game created by the famous Spanish illustrator and cartoonist ChiNoMiko, who is also a creator of the game "Heart of Melon". Eldarya is the latest publication of a Beemoov company.

    Eldarya is an adventure RPG game, in which we play our chosen hero from the point of view of the player. We will have to enter into the mysterious world of Eldarya and we will have to complete a series of missions assigned to us by different characters that appear in the game. The most interesting aim of this game is to seduce and fall in love with the character that we like the most. We are able to choose between a great variety of possibilities, as the script and the destiny of the adventure will depend totally on us and on the decisions we make.

    The starting point of the game is to edit and fully customize each of our characters, including their family members. The different characters of the game are Nevra, Valkyon, Ezarel, Leiftan that will belong to the story that we will create with our hero. Eldarya is divided in episodes that end with a romantic date with the character with whom we have the greatest affinity. In order to advance to the next episode, we must obtain "Manas" (Action Points) that will be given to us daily. There are also gold coins that we can acquire from the bank.

    Remember, that it's a magical and mysterious world ... Where you can find everything - from vampires to even... love.

    Don't hesitate and enter now into the fantastic world of Eldarya!!

    1433 Nutzer spielen gerade Eldarya

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