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    Neverwinter ist ein kostenloses MMORPG Spiel, welches in der sehr bekannten Welt von Dungeons & Dragons stattfindet - dies seht ihr schon direkt am Anfang des Spiels. Die Handlung führt durch verschiedene Locations, welche typisch für Neverwinter sind - Städte, Länder, Gebirge, Wälder usw. Eine sehr detaillierte Charakterers...

    Time to be hero

    It's time to become a Hero! In this browser game you will become a savior who must protect the city from various threats. Do not worry, although the first moments may seem difficult, but You have advisers who are ready to help or give a new task at each moment. You start, of course, with simple monsters, like boars and bears, de...


    Carnage is a free online MMO RPG. Two-dimensional graphics are balanced by a large amount and variety of actions, but we still focus on communication. If you like to sit at your computer every now and then, pressing keys and interacting with the community, this game might be for you!...

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