February 28, 2019 at 03:10 AM
Increase the rewards its hard to get sg
February 28, 2019 at 03:44 AM
One suggestion that I'd have for GameHag would be to develop some new ways of earning SG. For example, if we could earn by watching some advertisement videos, that would be great.
February 28, 2019 at 03:49 AM
That's already here galticalic949. You have to download the Gamehag app tho.
February 28, 2019 at 03:51 AM
It's not too hard, if you just not think about them always. Take it easy, do tasks, watch ads and more stuff and you'll see that you'll be getting SGs faster than you thought. The key is patience. :key:
February 28, 2019 at 03:57 AM
Thanks pavel_hristov. I didn't know that. I've only been using the browser version of the site so far.
February 28, 2019 at 05:21 AM
Good luck....
February 28, 2019 at 09:08 PM
That not too hard for you because gamehag have a website and mobile version and work on both OS
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