novice rank iconDeatek: alright, would bee hella good
AdminSwirfty: We'll start marketing again after we add a few more features and steam keys as a cashout method 
novice rank iconDeatek: Maybe I suggest you guys ran campnaign in poland
novice rank iconDeatek: when I was kid, gamehag used to be site to get some steam keys and a lot of poles were using it, but got forgotten 
novice rank iconDeatek: @swirtfy where are you from? 
novice rank iconDeatek: now I'm deatek lol
novice rank iconDeatek: I changed my ncik 
novice rank iconbrajanek: Glad to hear
AdminSwirfty: Yes
novice rank iconbrajanek: @swirfty Are you owner of lootably? 
AdminSwirfty: You can switch the currency to USD on the profile page if you prefer that
unranked rank iconCS2 Gambling 2025: Okay
AdminSwirfty: 5,000 Gems = $5 
unranked rank iconCS2 Gambling 2025: I know it is 5000 gems but how much in usd?
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: ok thanks
unranked rank iconCS2 Gambling 2025: how much is the minimum paypal withdrawal?
AdminSwirfty: Gamehag is under new ownership and there was an issue with the accounts on the old platform so we couldn't transfer them 
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: do you know what happened?
AdminSwirfty: Correct. New platform, new accounts
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: and former gmehag account with their soulgems have all been deleted, you confirm?
unranked rank iconUn1que BG: good
unranked rank iconUn1que BG: so god
unranked rank iconUn1que BG: this is a w site
unranked rank iconUn1que BG: yo swirfty
AdminSwirfty: For now, yes 
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: ok so only cash out with cases gg, clash gg, rust, paypal and virtual visa
AdminSwirfty: We don't currently support Steam gift cards as a cashout method 
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: and I don't see where i can buy games with soulgems
unranked rank iconyogzire1987: when i click on steam card rewards i can't see the price in soulgems, is that normal ?
novice rank iconbrajanek: People under my code must earn 5k$ to for me have changed percent from 5% to 6%



Apex legens superó al fortnite?

casillocabal avatar


February 10, 2019 at 07:20 AM

Estoy en duda porque a pex superó a fortnite en menos de 1 semana

JotaPra avatar


February 10, 2019 at 07:30 AM

No amigo aun no, fornite aun tiene mucha mas fama, pero ya se vera seguro en unos meses, seguro solo es el hype y quede abandonado o si lo actulizan pueden mantener a sus jugadores, pero igualmente es muy complicado,ya que fornite tiene una base de jugadores muy grande .

Gat0mail avatar


February 10, 2019 at 07:56 AM

si supero a fornite pvta que sad

andy_subero avatar


February 10, 2019 at 08:12 AM

Apex Legends tiene muchas manera de superar a fornite, aunque no creo que lo supere por ahora, pero quizas pronto, uno nunca sabe. Pero lo que me ha sorprendo este juego es si dinamica y su estilo, es bastante unico por ahora en los Battle royale, quizas esa fue la razon de que se ha ganado una gran fama, Ademas de tener un estilo futurista que flipas como dicen los españoles jeje. Esta bastante bien optimizado para tener unos graficos bastantes detallados. Y lo mas importan es gratis para todas la consolas, cualquiera puede jugarlo, claro si tienes los requisitos en tu pc o si tienes las consolas.

sky17 avatar


February 11, 2019 at 12:02 AM

aun no lo ha hecho, ha tenido un monton de descargas pero fornite es la tendencia por el momento

Fuzecito avatar


February 11, 2019 at 05:16 PM

tendremos que esperar un tiempo para verlo

Joel505 avatar


February 11, 2019 at 06:19 PM

Esto pudo llegar a pasar por toda la publicidad como paso con realm royal, tal vez lo supere o no

Mr_Hunter avatar


February 12, 2019 at 12:48 AM

yo creo que Apex va a superar a fortnite ya que muchos streamers paran de jugar al fortnite y juegam a Apex (#RIPFORTNITE)

lorenablackstar avatar


February 12, 2019 at 01:32 AM

lo mismo pienso

SrtaMiku01 avatar


February 12, 2019 at 02:12 AM

pienso lo mismo

monterogames avatar


February 12, 2019 at 03:21 AM

apex va a superar a fortnite por mucho

Bardock2404X avatar


February 12, 2019 at 06:02 AM

NEEEEEL es mejor el fry faye

GodIsAtheist avatar


February 12, 2019 at 09:47 PM

Nah no creo, me parece algo imposible no me gusta el fortnite pero simplemente ya tiene demaciada popularidad