unranked rank iconsophie: dude who is that talking for real dude
apprentice rank iconArc: this chat went to hell
unranked rank iconZeeshanPasha: Yea tell him mom!
unranked rank iconChloePasha: Guys stop being rude to my son
apprentice rank iconArc: especially that TCN GUY
unranked rank iconsophie: lmfao
unranked rank iconsophie: who is that talking
apprentice rank iconArc: oms lol
apprentice rank iconArc: i own you 
apprentice rank iconArc: shut up
unranked rank iconArc: Shut up my dog
apprentice rank iconArc: boy
apprentice rank iconArc: baka 
apprentice rank iconArc: im silv that guy is bronze
apprentice rank iconArc: look at the level 
apprentice rank iconArc: aint even me lmfao
apprentice rank iconArc: huh
unranked rank iconAzure: No hes my boyfriend
unranked rank iconsophie: Zeesh sounds kind of hot, can we be friends
unranked rank iconZeeshan: Flashy has a big forehead
unranked rank iconZeesh Yyt: Stop it you benchod!
unranked rank iconNew Account: nigga talking to himself
unranked rank iconZeeshan: Please do!
unranked rank iconPashaFamily: Hey I might start a family youtube!
unranked rank iconTCN: Zeeshy where are u
unranked rank iconNew Account: thats a bit SUS
unranked rank iconbaq: I hate my life
unranked rank iconDucky: He got it in both holes for me
unranked rank iconFlashy: Zeesh got me good :(
unranked rank iconChloeSneakyLink: I dont



Ulubiony i najmniej lubiany jungler?

mateusz120503 avatar


December 9, 2018 at 03:34 AM

Ulub - Lee Sin Najmniej - Sejuani

com9t avatar


December 9, 2018 at 06:00 AM

Fav-kha'zix hate-shaco

NightCrowPL avatar


December 9, 2018 at 09:17 PM

Ulubiony: Rammus Najmniej - Rengar (nie pytajcie czemu xD)

Kibashyyy avatar


December 13, 2018 at 04:23 AM

ja odwrotnie rammus najmniej a rengar i lee naj

flux_deagle_challange avatar


December 14, 2018 at 04:13 AM

Najmniej kha'zix najbardziej rengar

zuziakwakwa avatar


December 14, 2018 at 10:37 PM

najmiej Rammus najbardziej rengar

quallisvenci avatar


December 15, 2018 at 04:01 AM

najmniej ivern najbardziej lee sin

Czosnek1005 avatar


December 16, 2018 at 02:17 AM

naj lee najgroszy zac