This is article is about which season was the best in Fortnite.
Although it is only my humble opinion, I think the best season in Fortnite was season 9. Since then, the gaming experience was not the same to me. Let me explain why.
First of all, Fortnite introduced a new weapon in season 9, more precisely a shotgun. The combat shotgun. I can clearly remember, that when I started using it, I really enjoyed the fights. I was thinking, that finally, I can shoot with a shotgun more effectively, because I do not have to wait between each shot, which to me, was really annoying. The weapon was really precise, because it had a small crosshair. One of the best thing was, that you could get it easily, because it had a high chance of spawning. It was available in Rare, Epic and Legendary rarity. It had a really good damage and fire rate. Another advantage of the weapon was the magazine size, which was eight. It is worth to mention, that the shotgun was based on the Taran Tactical Ultimate 3-gun Benelli M2 from John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum. I saw that movie in the cinema and was impressed by how effective was the shotgun even then.
Another thing was introduced. The Chug Splash. I really liked, because it gave the player +20 HP or Shield, depending on the amount of HP or Shield that the player had. It was so quick and convenient to use, furthermore you did not have to bother with the limit, unlike when you were drinking the small potions. Speaking of quick and convenient, hovercrafts with slipstreams appeared across the map. They were such a fun to use and so was the driftboard.
What was one of the best thing in season 9, that it did not have many annoying overpowered items. I very well know, that there was an annoying item, called air strike, but it was only available in Legendary rarity, so you could not see it in use that often. I also did not like the balloons. There was the problem, that you get them from chests so thank God it was vaulted. Of course, you can say that if you do not like certain items, then do not use them. It is ok to say that, but others will still use them. Many people did not like, that the pump shotgun was vaulted, but honestly, I did not care about that weapon. As I mentioned above, it was really frustrating how slow that shotgun was.
It was good to see that two locations came back. These were Tilted Towers as Neo Tilted and Retail Row as Mega Mall. Pressure Plant was a good place as well it was one of my favorites. The place had many chest and good loot.
In summary, I really miss this season and the time when Fortnite did not have overpowered and illogical things. Thank you for reading my article.