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Terrence Acbar
Terrence Acbar
Terrence Acbar
Terrence Acbar
Terrence Acbar
Terrence Acbar
Terrence Acbar
Terrence Acbar
Terrence Acbar
Terrence Acbar
Dainius Laukšas
Dainius Laukšas
AdminSwirfty: Unfortunately, we were unable to transfer accounts from the old platform 
unranked rank iconMack Highlights: Is it possible to get my old gems back somehow?
unranked rank iconlooneytoons1289: Yo
AdminSwirfty: Quite a few people have completed it 
novice rank iconIvy: Anybody complete Mistplay on Lootably?
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: Sybau
apprentice rank iconArc: I KNEW IT
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: im Blacka btw
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: im going to stroke arc 46 times now
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: holy shit i got 46 coins
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: im getting to the good part
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: shhh
apprentice rank iconArc: @swirfty
apprentice rank iconArc: how much has 1st and 3rd earned
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: yes or no
apprentice rank iconArc: what
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: Arc
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: The way u pose pso icl
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: Arc ur so hot
apprentice rank iconArc: pikaOMG emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconGeorge He: PogU emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: I cant say nigga on my main account
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: im Swirfty
apprentice rank iconArc: are you GPTOPP
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: yo who tf is this
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: keep going
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: stop rubbing my dih
apprentice rank iconArc: dawg what
unranked rank iconTerrence Acbar: im 14 nigga dont touch me there
apprentice rank iconArc: yo what



Lets Talk: Inactive Penalties (The Magic Shield)

DarkestTeddy avatar


July 15, 2020 at 11:56 PM

Welcome to the first topic made by me! Today, we are going to be talking about the new feature that Gamehag decided to make, the restrictions. Personally, I don't like it one bit since Gamehag had a chance to fix up this site and add more tasks, fixing some stuff that don't give you soul gems, and buff the article rewards but instead, they decided to make this and provide a distracting story that doesn't even help get to the main point. In 30 days of not completing a task, you will get need to pay 50 gems each week in order to maintain this "spell." I think people should have the freedom to do whatever and if they don't complete a task, fine. They don't get anything from it and creating this feature when other major things could have been fixed is extremely unwise considering that this "spell" will affect most people cause of the drought of game tasks that is happening. Wasting your time with a story isn't helping either since that's clearly not helpful to explaining this feature and it doesn't get right into the point. I was really confused when I was reading that and honestly, that shouldn't be there. Either make this feature more reasonable or remove it entirely. Comment down if you have an opinion about this.

dicksonbigpaulbro avatar


July 16, 2020 at 01:21 AM

I realy hate this system what does it even F****** do let you be a "human".This site is fked 50 soul gems so they can say F you for not beaining active? I Like they "Tried" to give this site a cute story. They only want the ad rewenu for peaople visiting this site.

DarkestTeddy avatar


July 16, 2020 at 01:24 AM

That's techniquely true and they don't even think about what they should do by asking the community and they just thought it was a good idea to remove inactive people but at the same time, they should be thinking about others and their opinions. Taking away gems from people may seem like a good idea but it's horrible if you can't complete any game tasks cause you have nothing left.

dicksonbigpaulbro avatar


July 16, 2020 at 01:28 AM

Also what happens when someone reachs 0 Gems they perma ban there account or something thats fucked.

DarkestTeddy avatar


July 16, 2020 at 01:29 AM

Where did you get that from? I never heard of that.

dicksonbigpaulbro avatar


July 16, 2020 at 01:32 AM

Just speculaiting but that probobly doesent happen. but we dont know what really happens.
im horrorfied.

Aonb avatar


July 16, 2020 at 02:08 AM

It surprises me a little that you started discussing this just now, because warnings and a kind of preview already took place a few days ago. At a minimum, users received emails with notifications and a summary of the innovations; the rules section itself has changed just a couple of days ago. Actually I absolutely agree with you that this is all wrong, that the site has many of its small flaws that should have been fixed for a long time, and instead such an inconvenient and limiting system is introduced for some reason. Well...In brief, now users will really have to work for the site in order to receive their previous minimum bonuses. For many, this is extremely inconvenient and in its own way can even be humiliating. However, I force myself to look from the third side and there are at least two options for further situation development:

a) Gamehag will have a huge loss of users, including regular ones, and a quick arrival of new players who will not stay in place and thus the imitation of life flow will be created, with constant activity and possible income. And in the end, the site will either be lost in the “crowd” of other platforms, or will be abandoned and become a useless obsolete project;
b) The site will see errors in its new action policy in practice and only then the actions will come. But in order to have that, we all have to be active in our speaking out. Things just can't become mutually comfortable at once, especially in business.

Remember moderators are also users of this site but with a larger set of features, functions and responsibilities (at least, it seems to me, I simplified it here). And I’m sure it’s not they who come up with such huge changes ideas and rules somehow affect their work, too. And most of all I'd like to read their position about the changes and future. I really hope they will answer you - and me, because I intervened in your thread, I'm sorry for that and for my possible tone, too.

FuraHan avatar


July 16, 2020 at 08:31 AM

i dont like this system too, but i know that gamehag need to do it because of that. one thing that i want to know is what is considered as an active user? i rarely do game task (because in my country i dont have many option), but i do offer wall and other activity in this site. but they still gave me this spell.

sterverry avatar


July 16, 2020 at 12:02 PM

I think they had to use other way to make users active. If they provide sth attractive, users will be active. But it looks like they're forcing users to be active. I don't understand why they chose this method. I wanted to use this site more and more because I bought a good game here recently. It motivated me a lot. If my gems will be removed, I think I'll leave. I don't(actually I can't) do tasks here because mostly they're about games and I don't like to play games I don't like. I can use forum here but they should not force users to do tasks. Just tell them to use forum a lot and make it active. Anyway till I become a frog, I'll see what will happen.

UN0W3N avatar


July 16, 2020 at 12:03 PM

It should be removed, but it probably won't. It's a sad outcome...

Ctothemax avatar


July 16, 2020 at 12:48 PM

does anyone know if this is an event or if this is permanent

FuraHan avatar


July 16, 2020 at 01:32 PM

i dunno if this temporary or permanent, but seeing many new user that most of them is a passive user, i think this will last long. i hope not tho

Sebastian50 avatar


July 16, 2020 at 01:48 PM

Dear Kabash,

I know you are the only one who read this thread right now and I know you are a user like us but we don’t have other choices since we can’t directly contact the developers of this site. Sending a message to Misty is also not the right way, because it’s about Terms of Service and not a technical problem or bug or something. So, I apologize for my comment here in this section.

Dear Gamehag Admins,

Firstly, I should thank you for creating this wonderful site. I really enjoy using this platform for a long time, the environment is designed perfectly, the rewards are great and there is not much to complain about…

Secondly, we (Users) understand that Gamehag is a business company and for existing needs to make more money. We all know how this site works and if we are here to play, chat, do the tasks, or… we have already accepted all the terms (Includes the new ones) but please listen to our words. Surely like you, we want to continue this enjoyment process too and the main goal is to improve it.

Point N1) Back to the Terms of Service, there is no line that explains why we get only 10% of the original value of the rewards when we want to sell them. It just suddenly appeared in the About Us section and I don’t understand it since it does not even exist in Terms of Service.

Point N2) Due to new Terms, users should do at least one task in 7 days, otherwise we will become Frogs that affect most of the ways that we can earn SGs such as writing articles, daily login, and much more… It is okay if we get enough tasks here to complete but not with few tasks that doesn’t even worth trying them since they are not valuable enough for putting our energy, time, and spending the internet connection on them. For example, [World of Warships – Bonus] Task number 1: Register via the "PLAY FOR FREE" button, confirm your account in the email, and then achieve 5 level of your account to earn 24 Soul Gems!!! Who would do this?

Point N3) I know tasks are really depending on which country we are, and in my country, there are only 7 Games that I can earn SGs from them and only one of them is good enough to be completed. I’m doing that task right now but after that what will happen? I’m forced to do some tasks that are not even close to good. [P.S. the link of that task was also broken in my country and I reported to support. After almost 1 month they add a new link and I started playing the game.]

Point N4) What makes Gamehag unique from other sites? Surely there is not only its look. Gamehag is not just a DO-TASKS-AND-EARN money site, it’s a big community that we can do lots of stuff in it, such as writing articles. For creating content, users MUST put lots of effort into it and the standards are almost high to see your work on the main page. In the past, we used to get 600 SGs for publishing our articles on the main page, so if we want to order a simple 10 Euro steam gift card, we must at least create 10-11 articles. But what about now? 250 SGs is the highest amount that we can earn! So for ordering that reward again we must write 25 articles and see them get published on the main page? Who will do that?! Reducing this amount to 10% SGs when we are Frogs, make it worst! [P.S. there is a rune that brings 50% bonus of SGs but it’s really hard to gain since it’s not purchasable for a long time.]

Point N5) There are also walls of offers, but most of them won’t give you the reward, so why users waste their time on them? These tasks are weird, sometimes they give you SGs, sometimes they are not! We can’t even contact Misty about them since Gamehag is not the offer provider, contacting the wall of offers support is annoying too. Every day, in the Discord channel, I see many complaints that users say we did the tasks but we haven’t earned any SGs.

Point N6) The users who live in a developing country have good tasks but as I said before the number of them is so limited. So if they do all of them they should watch and see how their SGs will be decreased in the future? Or they will stop doing them in a row because they should be worried about the Protection Shield time limit and these kinds of stuff?

In the end, if I miss something please forgive me, but by applying these changes Gamehag will lose many users! Many new users won’t join this community since they will notice they are forced to do game tasks in a limited time. Many will leave because they don’t have enough tasks to complete and Gamehag will go backward in the growth progress.


Aonb avatar


July 16, 2020 at 04:25 PM

I absolutely agree with @Sebastian50 and join his words.
(sorry I still can't put active tags here like you do).

Although some of the points have already been discussed in many ways.
And it was strange that I found one of the biggest and most informative threads about it only on Spanish localization of Gamehag. It was OK for me to realize there are no such thread in my 'native' Russian side here, but strange that the English one showed only several little general threads and a couple of suggestions on this forum... Either the threads were removed, or people really didn't care much until today.

Well, as for the business part, then yes, it sometimes has not much in common with the UI \ UX in such cases. We, as users, may see this platform as a huge gaming society aimed on getting the rewards; the website owner, in their turn, are interested in getting the profit in the way only they know how. Ads, promotions, VIP payings and so on. And, as I have already written, I guessed that the website still needed many things to be performed and updated, but it remained a quite unique platform. However, the new changes are not something the users would really appreciate. Especially those who have been here for long or who lave a little ability to fit the new system. Many of us work or study, and the region separation - I mean the terms of contracts and tasks availability \ affordability - is really frightening. This will cause the reducing of active users, especially from European countries, and the platform can really lose much more than it is going to earn in terms of its popularity, support by users and activity overall.
(I'll continue in the next message)

Aonb avatar


July 16, 2020 at 04:32 PM

(continuing of the previous one)
For me personally, it looks a bit like betrayal, but I can only judge from the side. I liked this platform, I liked to try, I liked the opportunities provided to it, although there are very few tasks for my region, both in games and on the walls of offers. Moreover, they are still not synchronized among themselves in terms of devices for execution - the PC version of the site still shows more available tasks than it actually is on mobile devices (both iOS and Android)! The quality of separate tasks is not so great, too, as well as not many of them are able to be checked and rewarded; I even found some messages across the website, where moderators themselves prove that not every game tasks can be successfully done and accepted without no problems, which lows the trust in the system even more. Same is with articles, plagiarism, unique matherial, authors suffering from that and low rewards for huge work. But you know it well yourself (as an author or spectator, it doesn't matter in this context), so I'll better stop here.

All that remains for me to do as a user is try to get what I can still, for my part give this website what I can and leave, occasionally watching the development of affairs here. Learning from your mistakes is extremely useful, but it is bad when your thirst for money suppresses the human factor and those who believe in you suffer from it.

DarkestTeddy avatar


July 16, 2020 at 06:48 PM

I agree with all of yall. I get that Gamehag nerfed the article rewards since they don't get money out of it, but this isn't the right way to do this. And the frog/toad idea is really stupid. I'm sorry, but you just gave us this out of nowhere without any warning whatsoever and when we have more things to worry about such as new game tasks and buffing articles, you spend time to create a story which is a bunch of fluff and it doesn't get to the main point of this feature. Here are the list of problems I have with this website:

1. Chests:
I get that free chests should only give a steam key, but please make it more realistic by adding the percentage rates for each reward instead of giving emails and articles to people saying that you can win a PS4. It's obvious that those are there for baity reasons and people are going to get mad if they get a steam key 5 times in a row so please put the rates at least in order to prevent people from getting tricked.

2. Articles:
Now I get that. You have to make money and articles don't give you money whatsoever but you have ads. Those aren't going to lose you any money so you might be able to buff articles if you have extra money. (Idk how this works tho) Again, just nerfing them out of nowhere makes no sense and it's really annoying. Also, be more responsable and don't just accept articles for being "good." Actually check if another user did a similar thing cause plagerism isn't fun at all and sometimes, people actually get rewarded for copying something which upsets me so much.

3. Surveys, Minigames, and the Guessing Game:
Surveys should give out more rewards since on other sites, they give SO MUCH more stuff than just like 100 gems (in terms of Gamehag currency) so at least buff those cause NO ONE wants to do these things.

DarkestTeddy avatar


July 16, 2020 at 06:52 PM

(Part 2)
Like what Sebastian said, they don't give the rewards half of the time and I wouldn't even do these things that will offer like free giftcards for signing up or adding my credit card info in order to pay for something that I WILL NEVER EVER use such as medince. Chances are that these providers are just scams as well. The minigames honestly suck as well since these game companies obviously just want to advertise their games for money and they are just rip offs of other famous games. The games don't even GIVE the gems and if you're going to include them, actually give us the payment instead of asking us to contact support for something that is your responsability. The guessing game should give out the percentage rates and by the looks of it, that just might be like the chests as well since I never WON gems from a single game even though I just clicked on the same option several times. Fix those things.

DarkestTeddy avatar


July 16, 2020 at 06:58 PM

(Part 3)
Support and Responsablity:
To me, this just seems crazy. If you're going to hire people for being support, actually make them useful people cause sometimes, they just assume things. One time, I asked someone about a task and they said I had to BUY something from this site and I couldn't just do it for free which was COMPLETELY WRONG and it didn't make sense at all. Support should solely be people that have experience and not just people that are straight up giving a simple answer, yes or no. I went to the Discord Server and I know that there are people out there who complained that some people at support were just everday users who just gave a bad answer to their questions so actually hire good people such as more moderators instead of people who just don't even know what I'm talking about 1/8 of the time. Now the time that they respond is also pretty insane since the issues that aren't solved for a very long time should be dealt with and have a better response time than the issues that just appeared first. If you have a non valid code, that shouldn't take 5 days since you waited for 48 hours and you still haven't gotten your prize. Those people with invald prizes should be dealt and responded first and they should be quicker than 24 hours per reply. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

masculinium avatar


July 16, 2020 at 09:04 PM

Oh, look what we have here. Such a nice suggestion thread!

Well, I join you all in your words, more or less. I am glad to know @Aon, she's always trying to offer something here on this forum in order to help with improving the site. And she's also a great copywriter, I didn't understand how there are still no article on Gamehag from her, but later I got the point. As well as I understood some other things. Well, in brief:

1. Continuing about the articles. The 'gem payment' getting lower and lower, the eternal dispute and wrong decisions about the plagiarism, the general disrespect to authors - all this creates a negative impression on the prominent authors. As a user, I always checked the plagiarism before blaming authors in it, and I always could prove my words with links to original articles. Being cherished and rewarded for creating something original is great, but it seems to be more and more gambling lookalike: if you are lucky, you will be published and get your tiny reward for probably hours of work. If you're not lucky, you will have to prove your right. If you can't, you will even lose more time, efforts and nerves.

2. Games. A bit similar about being lucky like the mentioned above (my words about being lucky). Either the mobile games provider proves you, or not (it happened to me). You need to find a working task (they are really just a few in many countries). You need to check whether the game is playable (normal link, downloading, sign-in, etc.) You'll have to perform a task, usually per a certain time period (some are easy, some are really long or demand donation in order to make them quickly). Printscreen your result, send it for approval. And in most of cases it won't be accepted. Then, either you dispute about it and win, or you will have to make it several times and still no adequate result. Time, nerves, weird blames of cheating \ having an old in-game account or whatever, all that again. And yes, I speak only about faithful performance here.

masculinium avatar


July 16, 2020 at 09:24 PM

3. Advertising. Sorry if I am too naive, but why creating such tough conditions and forcing people to come and go all the time, if you could just improve the already existing methods? Provide ads and offers to those who know you, don't disappoint both them and those who are only getting to learn you. All that... App-zone, more simple offers, more ads and so on. Less gems for them, yes, but they can give more effective result. Same is with offerwalls tasks,- there have been pretty nice quiz for 3-15 gems, and I loved them, they worked pretty much. Now the website shows there still are some of them for performing via the mobile app, but the mobile app shows there are none of them, or it simply shows the error message if I try to enter their links. Unfair.

I could have added many small things, but should I, actually?.. You know it well, I know it well. So why to repeat without an urgent reason for it. Gamehag have already reduced some useful functions and rewards a couple of times recently, as I could notice. And personally I would really want to learn the reason of the new conditions and the alternative variants which could have been applied here. Changes are nice, it's an update and improving. But the very sense of improving is either making something old and broken work in mutually comfortable way, or replacing it by something new and mutually comfortable, too.

Well, it all saddens, but yes, that's how the business works, You have the right do do it, as it's your creation, but if you want people be satisfied with you and bring you more profit, you need to follow their needs as well, not only wishing to get more money from us.

I'll stay here while I can, and I'd really like to help moderators a bit, at least with cleaning all those spam, rude and garbage messages from the forums and some suggestions, but then I'll have to leave as many others here. We all have private lives, and I just can't put mine away only in order to be abused by new rules of this prominent (till this day) platform, which can turn from a welcomed gaming world to a simple lure in any time.

Aonb avatar


July 16, 2020 at 09:47 PM

To @masculinium: Writing original articles for 25-250 gems, arguing for their right to be recognized as non-plagiarism anh high chance to meet my article in a forum instead of the corresponding section... Not the best solution for me, especially now with new conditions. If they could at least give experience or protection from a new “debuff”, it would be of much sense for me, but otherwise it doesn’t even seem to have a profit for the site itself.

With regards to the new conditions: yes, this is a site about games in an opportunity to win some of these games and other prizes...however it is primarily a business platform that needs funding and profit. Perhaps the management decided that it would be more profitable for them to create an ongoing stream of new users so that there would be more new players who would come and go quickly than to encourage those who already are. It is like a stream of buyers in the market. Not everyone loves to have regular customers, because for these customers they have to make concessions, make discounts, and so on. Therefore, what we see as an adequate and honest attitude, business owners can see in a completely different way, and this situation is disadvantageous for them. The understanding of not only that “we seem to have been betrayed” is very poor, but also sad forecasts in general: a lot of honest negative responses that will later be replaced by bought positive ones, a decrease in interest and a final decline.
I would not like to panic, but such examples already exist. I just hope that after the “punishment” they will give us the equivalent “encouragement”, or all this is really very pragmatic and will not make much sense further.

P.S. A similar discussion on the Spanish-language part of the website has been removed. It is very sad to realize that this thread can meet the similar fate, too, and that all this is just human words and thoughts thrown into the void.

DarkestTeddy avatar


July 17, 2020 at 07:39 PM

To @Aonb: If they are going to remove this forum, then they aren't doing their job because the moderators at the Discord Server said we could give feedback to them about this in a civil way on the fourms. Removing this would be no good at all so if they do that, they aren't going to be helpful at all.

Kabash avatar


July 18, 2020 at 09:15 AM

Alright so I just finished reading through all the comments above and I have to admit that I agree with the majority of them. I'll give a detailed reply soon but just letting you know that I've seen this thread.

>Removing this would be no good at all so if they do that, they aren't going to be helpful at all.

Yes, that is true. Highly unlikely that this thread would be deleted since the comments and critique are mostly civil, and I'm sure the team would appreciate the constructive feedback. However if it does occur, not to worry as I've made a backup of all the comments within this thread.

german_spud avatar


July 18, 2020 at 02:07 PM

The comments that i read trought are right and that i agrea. Do they want to shut down this site, do they want to lose money, do they want to lose users beacues that's how they should do it. If they want new users they should lisen to there users on what they want and take critisis what they don't want. Ps give us a heads-up when they going to give us a new system.

Mirathis avatar


July 18, 2020 at 04:32 PM

I agree with the majority of them. Changes in the regulations are not good for us users because we get restrictions that even repel from further use of the site, but you must remember that Gamehag is a company whose main goal is to gain the highest possible profit. The creators hope that the changes introduced by them in the regulations will attract new short-term users who would give them a quick profit. You have to remember that regular users provide publicity about the site by encouraging their friends to set up an account because they can get rewards, while after the changes, most regular users will leave because they will not be satisfied with the change in the regulations and the site won't receive "free advertising" that was provided by users. In my opinion, the changes to the regulations are too strict. The best option is to undo these changes, but it's unlikely they will, so I came up with a milder version of them.