CS2 Gambling 2025: how much is the minimum paypal withdrawal?
Swirfty: Gamehag is under new ownership and there was an issue with the accounts on the old platform so we couldn't transfer them
yogzire1987: do you know what happened?
Pande Bande: Swirfty hi
Swirfty: Correct. New platform, new accounts
yogzire1987: and former gmehag account with their soulgems have all been deleted, you confirm?
Un1que BG: good
Un1que BG: so god
Un1que BG: this is a w site
Un1que BG: yo swirfty
Swirfty: For now, yes
yogzire1987: ok so only cash out with cases gg, clash gg, rust, paypal and virtual visa
Pande Bande: hey bro im talking why no one respone?
Swirfty: We don't currently support Steam gift cards as a cashout method
yogzire1987: and I don't see where i can buy games with soulgems
yogzire1987: when i click on steam card rewards i can't see the price in soulgems, is that normal ?
brajanek: People under my code must earn 5k$ to for me have changed percent from 5% to 6%
Un1que BG: is withdraws instant
Pande Bande: bro @Swirfty can you help me plz and see my ticket
Un1que BG: any1 know how long rustclash take to track
Swirfty: 3. is a maybe
Swirfty: 1. and 2. are on the list
brajanek: 4. Set profile picture on site
brajanek: 3. Sound alert on site when you complete offer
brajanek: 2. In earnings top of site under earn,games,cashout sections where people earn for example 1$ offer, when you click it shows name of the offer
brajanek: 1. In chat if you double click someone it pastes @(hisnicktoping)
brajanek: Josh, I have some ideas for site to make it better,
¿Cual es la peor F que les a pasado jugando fortnite?
April 8, 2020 at 04:34 AM
Yo morí de caída por que se me olvido poner piso
April 8, 2020 at 04:37 AM
a mi me exploto la chopa por intentar de destruir la antena electrica
April 8, 2020 at 05:21 AM
like si extrañas el fortnite de antes
April 8, 2020 at 05:32 AM
que un compañero no me reviva sin nadie al lado
April 8, 2020 at 07:45 AM
que me este peleando con uno y se una otro eso jode
April 8, 2020 at 07:47 AM
suscribanse al conal Los Maxmoden
April 8, 2020 at 11:29 AM
suicidarme con un bazooka xD
April 8, 2020 at 08:20 PM
a mi me exploto la chopa por intentar de destruir la antena electric
April 9, 2020 at 02:34 PM
Que quede un segundo para revivirme y llege la tormenta F >:
April 9, 2020 at 04:48 PM
Me dieron un franca o en la cabeza mientras bailaba
April 9, 2020 at 05:14 PM
Estar por ganar y que me peguen un disparo con un franco :v
April 9, 2020 at 05:39 PM
A mi la mayor F que me a pasado en Fortnite fue hace mucho tiempo, mas o menos en la temporada 5 a finales, le dispare con escopeta a un enemigo a 50 metros F xD (no jugaba bien xD)
April 9, 2020 at 05:52 PM
Querer hacer ganar a un caramelito pero el pobre se metio a tormenta y lamentablemente lo acabo matando F -Like