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    评论的话题 The effect of computer games.
    5 years ago

    Many believe that playing has no effect other than spending time and physical problems,Especially in the third world, but fortunately the opposite has been proven. Come with me to discuss some of the benefits of playing together.

    The Benefits of Computer Games
    1-Helping children and adolescents with chronic illnesses

    Researchers at the University of Utah published a study last year that showed that regular computer games performed by children with illnesses and disorders such as autism, depression and Parkinson's increase their endurance and morale against disease problems. Scientists believe that such games affect certain neural mechanisms and cause positive excitement. Thus, a child or adolescent with a chronic illness can better cope with the consequences of their illness.

    2-Increase motor skills of preschool children
    While it is not right to put a young child on TV to play computer games, it is not all that. Because research at Dickens University in Melbourne, Australia, suggests that interactive computer games lead to enhanced motor control skills in children.

    3-Reduce stress and depression
    The benefits of video games are not limited to children and adolescents. Research published in year 4 shows that playing computer games can help people who are suffering from problems such as stress or depression to be able to overcome some of these problems. This study showed that some people with Type A personality disorder (who are usually very active) can find a chance to relax and thus reduce their stress levels.

    4-Reduce pain severity
    Not only can computer games reduce the negative effects of mental problems, they can also reduce physical pain. Scientists at the University of Washington have designed a game that allows patients suffering from severe pain to relieve their pain. The game, called Snowy World, is a virtual reality game in which one finds themselves in a snow-covered land and can throw snowballs at the penguins and snowmen they see. As such, the patient's senses shift from pain to play. Studies have shown that patients who used the game needed less pain medication.

    5-Strengthening the visual ability
    Parents often tell their children to sit down to watch TV, resulting in reduced vision. But scientists at McMaster University in Canada came up with a surprising result. People with cataracts can enhance their vision by playing games in which the user must shoot at specific targets. These kinds of games are very fast and require a great deal of focus, so one has to get used to seeing different things quickly and making instant decisions. These games also produce dopamine and adrenaline, which can potentially increase the ability of the brain to flex.

    6-Strengthen decision-making ability
    Most computer games require quick decision making and responsiveness. Neuroscientists at the University of Rochester in New York have concluded that playing computer games can train the brain to make quick decisions. Games like simulations of situations where decisions must be made quickly allow the user to quickly check and respond to environmental information immediately.

    7-Increase happiness among the elderly
    Researchers at the University of North Carolina examined the relationship between computer games and mental health (happiness) in older people. The study found that older people who occasionally played computer games were happier than their peers and exhibited more positive emotions.

    Of course, as you know, it does have some bad effects, but I think it has more positive effects. I hope I have helped a little to increase the game and the player.

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    当我们看到《坦克世界》受欢迎的程度时,我们不禁会考虑到具有相同主题和机制的游戏是否可以超越这个著名的作品。好吧,它们可以。而且不仅有机会,因为这款名为《战争雷霆》的俄罗斯游戏在很多方面都击败了《坦克世界》。首先,我们可以选择单位的类型。就军队而言,我们有四种选择:美国、德国、苏联和英国。而空军方面也向我们提供了日本。在开始游戏时,我们只能使用一些基本的车辆,但由于游戏具有先进的系统,我们之后可以解锁一些更高级的装置,例如重型坦克或喷气式飞机 (就像第二次世界大战期间那样,数量不多)。所有车辆都按照真实、原始的车辆复制出,即在第二次世界大战中使用的真实坦克。大致上来说,游戏的图像水平非常高。不仅非常仔细地展示了车辆,风景和地图也经过精心设计,令人叹为观止...




    请记得,此优惠仅适用于新用户!在罗布乐思Roblox(一个免费的MMO社交游戏平台)上的任何地方,无论你想做什么,都可以发挥创意,使想象力变为现实!在此游戏中,玩家需要创建自己的虚拟世界和游戏,因为这取决于玩家想要玩什么游戏。而且选择也非常多样,就像创造了所有这些场所的人们的想象力一样!如果有人想知道关于罗布乐思,你应该告诉他们,它是《我的世界》、《乐高》以及《盖瑞模组》的结合体 - 仅此而已,但足以带给玩家很多乐趣。 创造者尽了全力让玩家不感到无聊,因此他们创造了可以给任何人用来创造自己的世界的工具。它们还可以让你修改角色的外表!你可以看起来非常特别;可以换每套服装,如果需要还可以购买更多;你可以改变你的发型甚至是你的身体!不用担心图像,图像似乎有点...


    《创世战车》是一款基于世界末日的MMO动作游戏。它是由著名《战争雷霆》的创作者开发的,它以不同的方式为我们带来了全新的游戏玩法。如果你认为《创世战车》是战争游戏或战争雷霆的另一个版本,那么它将带给你惊喜 - Gaijin确保了通过更改其先前作品中的一些重要方面来给我们不同的感受。最重要的一点是,我们可以修改车辆!玩家可以从数千种不同的零件当中进行选择来从头改造自己的四轮(甚至更多)车辆。忘了那些默认选项吧,这个游戏对汽车和乐高爱好者而言才是真正的享受!你的“汽车”的外观完全取决于你。你想要它有链锯吗?去吧!机关枪?没问题!这种自由使战场上的每辆战车都看起来不一样,也让玩家能完全释放出自己的创造力。当我们谈论到Gaijin的游戏时,我们不能忘记它有先进的...


    《我的传奇》是著名游戏《我的海盗》的全新版本 - 实际上, 是该游戏的直接延续,并进行了一些改进, 但这些改进肯定会吸引第一款游戏的所有粉丝!《我的传奇》是一款基于非常受欢迎的漫画系列《海贼王》的游戏,其主要英雄是蒙其·D·鲁夫,一群疯狂的船员陪伴着他穿越大洋寻找宝藏。你将从4个不同的类别中进行选择:水手、黑暗法师、狙击手和医生。他们每个都有各自的优点和缺点。加入鲁夫的新旅程并与他们一起冒险! ...

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