你可以将灵魂宝石兑换成Steam Wallet的充值、游戏密钥、CS:GO皮肤以及其他的奖励。
this article will help you to understand some features of SAO's Legend
SAO's Legend is a Role Playing Game (RPG). The major feture of this game bases on its idling system. You can use auto-battle function to accomplish all the tasks, you just need to comfirm rewards from these missions. Now I will show you some features of SAO's Legend system:
Firstly, as for registration, You just go to the official website and register with your email address. After that you need to selevt the server you want to play then click on it. After choosing the server, you will immediately go to the gaming page. From this you can play SAO's Legend fully.
Secondly, as for playing game, when start with level 1, all functions in this game have been not opened yet. The task you should do right now is doing task in order to gain level quickly. And when you reach level 5, some features such as Backpack, Gear,... will be available. However in this time, you just have some boring tasks to complete. This make me feel very bad. But after playing more and reach above level 10, I have alreadly open Pet and Girl Friend functions, these features help me to improve the appearence of my charater. From this time, I found that in this game , we can reciece may rewards and bonus from gaming system such as VIP, Daily Rewards from completing missions. Now I have reaxhed high level and already opened all features of this game. That makes me very excited and enthusiastic. I hoped that I can become one of the leaderboard's member of this game. I also hope that mora and more people would play this game and create a official coomunity of SAO's Legend.
Finally, I will talk about something you should do when play this game.Because of the following benefits such as make you more sociable, good for your eyesight, your age, yor gaming skills,.. I assure that this game also bring these benefits to anyone want to play a interesting game like this. However, You also have a behaviors that could help to improve your heatlth. I recommend that you should play less than 5 hours playing SAO's Legend a day, and when playing you should watch other videos when auto-battle to be relaxed.
This is my opinion. thank you for your attention.
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《绝冬城》是一个免费的MMORPG游戏,它发生在非常流行的《龙与地下城》的世界中 - 游戏开始后马上就能看到!故事情节充满了行动并将我们引向了绝冬城的各个地方 - 城市和农村地区、山脉、森林等等!角色的创造与RPG的完全相同,也为我们带来了很多种族 - 从人类和精灵到龙族和半兽人!至于类别,则是相似于《龙与地下城》- 战士、巫师、盗贼、圣骑士...其战斗系统是如此动态,很容易与砍杀游戏相比。任务非常复杂且数量众多,但是一段时间后可能会变得无聊 - 这时出现了Foundry,每人都可以执行自己的任务,每个玩家都可以执行社区里其他成员创建的任务!游戏图像可能看起来有点暗,但它的利大于弊,因为它为这个特定的MMO带来了难忘的氛围。史诗音乐也让你感觉自己正在参...
今天就在《猎人Hunter X》中开始你的史诗旅程,它是有史以来最流行的少年漫画之一 - Hunter X Hunter 的游戏版。 重温杰·富力士的故事,并找到你最喜欢的漫画人物来与你一起建立团队。通过在回合制战斗中与敌人战斗来完成任务并获得奖励,而在这些战斗中,你不仅需要力量,也需要战术思维。享受非玩家角色、史诗音乐,以及3D效果的精美图像和背景。 以多种方式升级你的角色,以便成为最强大的英雄并在玩家VS玩家中击败你的敌人。在排名中攀升至更高的位置并向他们展现你的实力。 与你的工会一同击败世界首领,让他们为拥有你而感到自豪。立即加入《猎人Hunter X》!...