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dlaczego nic nie akcjeptują ? rok temu zrobiłem z 3 gry nic nie zaakceptowali teraz to jedyne co zrobiłem to zdesperowany zagrałem w big bang empire
jest nie zaliczone tak samo jak desert operation żebym jeszcze wiedział dlaczego
ja jeszcze nie grałem ale chciałem popatrzeć czy moge zdobyć nowe punktciki :]
np złodziej esencji i ostrze nieskończoności deff : gdy was pocisneli czarny tasak i tak samo nq :/
i build prawidłowy niestety nie gram w jg więc powiem normalny offensive : butów nigdy buty do jg hydra lub krwiopijec ale kupcie to i to , zniszczony król , można coś pod crita gdy jesteś nafeedowan
A NAJGORSZE aatrox nie jest stworzony do team fightów chyba że jesteś se normalnym masz 6-7 maesterie i nafeedujesz się do 16 gdy reszta ma 13
nie podobał mi się sam opis skillów np. "skacze" a sam build zły jak już robisz opis skilli to dobrze i następny przykład "leczy ileś tam zdrowia" nie opisałeś W dokładnie
ja uważam że co do czołgów najlepiej brać Japonie a gdy grasz samolotami USA
Desert Operations is among the most famous browser strategy games. Lead a country and develop it, in order to become a power. Make alliances with other players and together attack, declare wars and become invincible! Take care of your economy, develop your army in order to acquire even better units and defend yourself against ot...
Wargame 1942 is a browser game set during the World War 2! So it means that the player is a participant of one of the biggest wars of this world. Everything depends of the decisions you’ll make. Just like in other strategy games, the player received a city at his disposal, which has to be expanded. It is really important to acqu...
The beautiful land of Elrios, once peaceful and an ideal place to live in during several generations, has been devoured by a horrible war, which broke out as a result of an explosion of a vivifying, gigantic blue diamond – a gemstone named El. The creatures absorbing its energy from the gemstone fell down on the ground and...
Batman, Ironman, Spiderman. Would you like to be just like them? Well, now it is possible! Make your own character and slowly, advance your goal. At the beginning, you’ll be doing missions in your neighborhood, just some mere trivialities like chasing away some nagging kids or searching a catnip for your neighbor’s k...
Goodgame Empire is a free browser economic strategy game where we're playing as a medieval ruler, whom, with the help of a family member has conquered a small piece of land. Just like in the other strategies, we start from scratch, that is by setting up buildings like woodcutter’s hut, quarries, houses, farms and barracks. Well,...
Shakes and Fidget is a RPG browser game set in a fantasy world. At the very beginning, we make our character by choosing between nine races: the Humans, the Elves, the Dwarfs, the Gnomes, the Orcs, the Dark Elves, the Goblins and the Demons and then, between three classes: the Warrior, the Mage and the Hunter. Our main quest is ...