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    Mobile games and tasks

    Hello. As I know, to complete tasks for PC games I must create new account through your site. It still works to mobile games if I played one of this before and some or one of the conditions below are met:
    - before starting the task, the game was deleted and when I reinstall the game, I register in it from scratch, rather than use the saved progress;
    - a case similar to the above, but I start the task again, because I previously failed to complete it on time;
    - a case similar to the above, but I got one more task for one game after, as I completed one task for this game?
    Or in all cases, in any case, I have to execute task from another device?

    18 september 2020 13:18 8369

    Not a suggestion, locking thread. 🔒
    Also, please leave your suggestion/idea in English when posting on the Suggestion's forum. To do so, change your language in the settings (••• in the upper right corner) to English before posting. Thanks!

    25 september 2020 19:34 8369

    Чтобы прокомментировать, вы должны быть авторизованы!
