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    Como funciona

    Sobre o jogo Stronghold Kingdoms

    Stronghold Kingdoms is a strategy browser game, placed in the medieval world. During the game, the player incorporate the role of a village ruler. The main objective is to develop your area gradually and turn it into the well-known and respectable town. A major factor is an extension of the castle, because it is the most susceptible to the powers of enemies. In order to defend your village, you may establish alliances and spy on your enemies. When you develop your village, pay attention to your villagers and provide them enough space to work and settle down. It is worth mentioning that extracting raw materials contributes to the strengthening of your castle walls. More solid your castle is, more secure and wealthy your village will be! The player has the access to the set of cards that will help him along the way to expand his land and to build a successful town. It's essential that the player uses his strategic thinking. Picking the appropriate tactics is incredibly important! It is you who decide in which direction your town will intend to turn next and what exactly to focus on. In Stronghold Kingdoms the player can reach the highest rank and turn himself into the king. Be the one who expand the village into the kingdom and conquer other lands!

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    Fórum Stronghold Kingdoms

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    Opiniões sobre Stronghold Kingdoms

    Concordo contigo

    18 august 2018 06:35

    O jogo e legal d jogar porem e injuado muito inuuado se ta ligado

    8 february 2020 11:26

    Como Colocar e Configurar Armas Vanguard no Roblox Studio! (Remake)(Updated)

    26 april 2020 16:22

    Costumo julgar pela capa sem ter jogado vou dar uma conferida neste artigo

    18 february 2020 18:24

    Ai então posso ter uma opiniao diferente

    18 february 2020 18:25

    Artigos sobre Stronghold Kingdoms

    Este jogo não tem nenhum artigo.

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    E que por escrever sozinho um artigo, podes conseguir até 250Soulstone?

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    Fórum Stronghold Kingdoms

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    Concordo contigo

    18 august 2018 06:35

    O jogo e legal d jogar porem e injuado muito inuuado se ta ligado

    8 february 2020 11:26

    Como Colocar e Configurar Armas Vanguard no Roblox Studio! (Remake)(Updated)

    26 april 2020 16:22

    Costumo julgar pela capa sem ter jogado vou dar uma conferida neste artigo

    18 february 2020 18:24

    Ai então posso ter uma opiniao diferente

    18 february 2020 18:25