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    Como funciona

    Sobre o jogo Escilon

    Escilon is an exciting MMORPG browser game that offers you survival at all stages of human development. You begin your journey from the Stone Age, your hero will get food, make fire and improve to gain access to the next era. Here you can expect the acquisition of weapons, possession of them, hunting, the creation of equipment, mastering the profession. Escilon is divided into five independent parts that have a common plot. Each era has its own peculiarity and unique atmosphere. The unusual and unique combat system in the game Escilon is a turn-based battle in which you decide where to hit the enemy. In addition, you choose what you want to hit - head, fist, weapon or leg. You can protect yourself to reduce the damage. This system is a diverse gameplay. The choice of profession is a very important moment. Each era has its own challenges, with priorities. For example, in the Stone Age, most important collectors because you need resources to create objects.

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    Opiniões sobre Escilon

    Não conheço esse jogo e só quero ganhar meu xp do dia mesmo

    12 october 2021 16:02

    Prémios por Escilon

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    Artigos sobre Escilon

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    E que por escrever sozinho um artigo, podes conseguir até 250Soulstone?

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    Não conheço esse jogo e só quero ganhar meu xp do dia mesmo

    12 october 2021 16:02