WsgGang: came back to this site after 2 years and JESUS
Yobz: Adios Ikkimura :(
Tomasz Kalinowski: Wtf stare konta skasowane?
Razuflok7: bro what happend to old accounts ?
HimynameisPaolo: old account died then??
Ikkimura: La verdad es es que me da pereza empezar desde 0. Creo que esto será lo último que escriba aquí :/
Ikkimura: Después del tiempo que dediqué a esta web siendo moderador y que no nos dijesen nada de los cambios... por no hablar de las 18000 gemas que aún tenía
Swirfty: All of the offerwalls are on the main page
Mohamed Tarek: when i click on games
Mohamed Tarek: i see no offerwall tho
Swirfty: Games are still offers
Mohamed Tarek: So?
Mohamed Tarek: I completed a challenge inside a game that I shd get rewarded for but I didn’t
Mohamed Tarek: Not offers
Mohamed Tarek: It’s the games
Swirfty: There's a support tab on all of the offerwalls you can click on
Mohamed Tarek: How?
Swirfty: You should contact the offerwall's support
Mohamed Tarek: Help?
Mohamed Tarek: Guys I just completed one of the challenges in a game but nothing happened
Bober40: maybe code?
Joshverd: Np
Xgreen 0fficial: Alr thanks
Joshverd: Usually just for a few hours
Xgreen 0fficial: How long?
Joshverd: Every offer is held
Xgreen 0fficial: I'm just asking before so I know if you hold it
Joshverd: I don't see any offers pending for you at the moment
Xgreen 0fficial: Do you release on RevU?
Joshverd: Yes, offers are held but are usually released within a few hours. You will receive a notification and an email when your offer is approved.
este es mi problema sona app no me da gemas e visto 20 videos y en niuno me a dado gemas que pasa no soy rana para que no meden gemas desistale e instale borre cache y se muchas cosas y no se solusiona algien me explica que me puede estar pasando grasias:)
February 4, 2021 at 03:30 PM
Cuando estes viendo el video,no le des a skip,porque si no,no te dara la recompensa,si no es eso no se.
February 4, 2021 at 06:56 PM
Eso ocurre a veces y tienes que verificar que tu conexión esté estable justo al momento de terminar el video y como dice 6thsense, no puedes saltar o salirte del video. Tienes que espera a que termine y salga la X