So well, i feel like the most important and most rewarding suggestions, i feel, for both Gamehag and us users never happen. There's this suggestion on discord where people request for Gamehag to add that in due time, say 1 week or a few days, the first 1-2 quests in most of the games available. Say War thunder, World at warships and Crossout (I named those mostly because they are at least the most fun games to do the tasks on and you kill 2 birds in one stone, both for entertainment and reward), obviously they don't have to be the only ones. the reward for both tasks on each game can be like 500 gems per task or something, obviously the more game added to this "reset every # of days" can be increased to like a week or 2 depending on how many games are added, or how much of a reward per task we get. it benefits Gamehag by making their "customers"/users happier, and will have a more likely effect on having the current users invite more people.
Now onto the "new Gamehag additions" thing of the title.
I really don't like the whole frog/toad system of the stuff, personally i cant do more tasks because the ones i have left on my begun games are to hard and will take LITERALLY weeks for only one task. Adding the "toad transformation" makes it so much worse, now i'm at a risk to losing all the gems i already have. I can maybe live with the "frog transformation" but the toad one just ruins it in my opinion. If anything it makes me less motivated to do the game tasks, and makes me more motivated to cash in my gems and bounce.
So what do you guys think about these topics? Personally i hope that you agree with me so we can change this problem.