@YourGodisBlind, @Micker003 thought of this thread through and he seems to be right about it. There are plenty of users who are really suspicious and the gamehag admins seems to be blind about it. Don't expect Misty (an automated bot; unsure way of speaking to the admins directly) would help this situation. You should think of your answer more than just letting other gamehag users's topic go down the drain. @Micker003 has been here in gamehag for a long time now and he knows how this site works. You're probably new so you wouldn't understand. Also, if you think this thread could be regarded as spam, you should think again and reflect and know what spam really means. I've cheked your forum activity and you keep on spouting nonsense comments that should even be kept to yourself as it could be regarded as spam here on gamehag. I'm pretty sure you've not even read the full page of what spam really is here in gamehag.