To build your perfect crosshair, please follow this steps.
1.If you want to get more headshots and to not spray much you should use atleast 800x600 resolution and the tiny crosshair like this one.
cl_crosshairsize 1;
cl_crosshairstyle 4;
cl_crosshairgap -3.1;
cl_crosshairalpha 50;
If you use very bright then cl_crosshairalpha 50 can be reduced to like 25 or if you save power then cl_crosshairalpha 150 will be good for you.
cl_crosshairstyle 5 it's very good too, try both and see which one is better for you. Since 4 is more used with big crosshair, style 5 will be better combo with tiny crosshair.
2.IF you want to be very dangerous player and spray much more then the big crosshair is for you, also it's better when reduce the resolution. Example of good big crosshair.
cl_crosshairsize 3;
cl_crosshairgap -3;
cl_crosshairalpha 150;
cl_crosshairstyle 4;
cl_crosshaircolor 2;
cl_crosshaircolor 2 is one of the best color for the big crosshair.