The 80's were marked by the appearance of colorful TVs, which featured popular retro-style action films, and the first personal computers where adult people started playing and creating real masterpieces and classics of gaming, which over time turned into a source of inspiration for already modern developers.
Hyper Jam is exactly one of these games, according to the creator, Bit Dragon, it was based off of Japanese and Western classic movies and computer games.
The title is team based; together, two, three or four participants of a multiplayer match get into an arena and brawl with each other.
For each kill and even damage caused, players will receive an experience point that can be spent to buy game changing perks. A total of 15 perks are available, but at the end of the round you can get only one of them that will be combined with the previously chosen skill. Thus, at the final round, players will move at lightning speed, shoot like professional snipers and even learn how to set up an energy shield.

All four characters that you can currently play as
The winning team will be decided based on which one got the most eliminations, with the gameplay getting very intense and incredibly fast paced towards the end of the round, which is when it reaches it's peak.
The 2019 title looks very good, the maps are vibrant. Their layout and design is very detailed and thought-out, you will find yourself clashing with enemies from the beaches in Miami to the underground metro stations of Tokyo.
Each character, there being 4 in total, has an interesting back story, which is a nice detail.
Being the only minus, some of the perks available for each and any of the characters are a bit unbalanced and feel unfair / more useless than others, but the game is still very much new, so there is still going to be a lot of things changed and updated, as the developer team is very active and reacts or answers feedback and questions fast.

You want good looking PvP arenas? You want amazing soundtracks and visuals? What about smooth and mostly-balanced game mechanics? Well, Hyper Jam has all of this, and combined with the qualities and style of the atmosphere and style of the title, the game is absolutely one of the best released in 2019 yet. It is certainly one of, if not the best released revealed in PAX Games Convention, and has been on my radar ever since it was in early access, and it definitely didn't disappoint and is absolute class.
Verdict: very fun, fast paced while also only costing 11.69$ on Steam. Giving it a spin is simply a must, as the game is "oozing with class".
Neon and color overflow.