October 7, 2023 at 07:22 PM
For the past few months there has been issues for me being unable to collect/order rewards from CSGO section. I do have plenty of SGs but everything I have asked to get is always not available and I instantly get refunded back my SGs. On the other hand, there also has been an issue in the contracts page that says “page isn’t available” so I cannot make any more SGs and can’t access contracts. Please admins if you are reading this, do what’s necessary. Lastly, for me fellow gamehaggers, let me please know and share with me whether you countered same issues as mine or not. Thanks you for reading.
October 9, 2023 at 09:01 AM
+1 to this, no contracts, no csgo cashouts either.
I really wanted an agent skin :(
[For me, couldnt withdraw csgo skins since atleast feburary of this year]
October 9, 2023 at 03:08 PM
For now we don't have CS:GO skins and they won't be back anytime soon. I know that they are still available in our shop but it would be the best to now order them now since you will be freezing your Soul Gems and they will be refunded anyway. We are working on bringing back CS:GO skins but it seems like it is harder than we expected.
October 10, 2023 at 11:33 AM
Thank you for your reply @Karcia.
What about the contracts? Why can't we access them?
October 13, 2023 at 09:48 PM
@Karcia its good know , can we have a update on this thing on regular interavals like every week ???
March 10, 2024 at 02:55 AM
Rewards have been unavilable for nearly over a year now for some of these. What's the point of even collecting SG, if the rewards are always unavialable? And the survey section doesn't load either, for the past couple of months now as well.
any of this getting fixed anytimme soon or is this just another ticket to nowhere like the support takets we created to get soulutions to the problems that are never solved?
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