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    War Thunder

    (4.29/5) 17476 rates

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    2500 5500
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    Register via the "PLAY FOR FREE" button, confirm your account in the email, and then Win 8 battles and destroy at least 3 enemies

    Is T-44-100 worth it?

    I am researching the tank right now and i hope its very impressive :D

    21 november 2021 14:31 11

    Somewhat, getting uptiered to face 8.0s with APFSDS is a pain and it happens often enough to make me avoid playing it.

    18 december 2021 02:17 11

    Somewhat, getting uptiered to face 8.0s with APFSDS is a pain and it happens often enough to

    5 november 2022 18:22 11

    Somewhat, getting uptiered to face 8.0s with APFSDS is a pain and it happens often enough tolk

    5 november 2022 18:22 11

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