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    How it works

    What is "disgraceful behaviour"?

    I got a message that states: "You've lost the level for your disgraceful behaviour", without any details! They cut my exp without a reason, any help?

    24 march 2021 04:03 1628

    it means you commented or posted spam messages too much. It' OK to comment a lot, but make sure somewhat meaningful.

    24 march 2021 04:52 1628

    You can lose XP if, you have sent more than 5 messages in day on the forums, spamming the forums, the comment which you wrote was too short or you wrote something which was not related to the topic.

    29 march 2021 14:09 1628

    I wish there was another way to earn XP. and saying do tasks is not valid if most tasks get reject with lame reason of not making a new account. When you have made a new account following all the dam steps like same email and same username. how must I then re create the account as my email already used and the username.

    30 march 2021 16:36 1628

    they will punish you for making too many comments to get levels, just make them useful and they should leave them be

    30 march 2021 19:36 1628

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