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    Is the anime still going?

    Is the anime still going?

    13 september 2020 19:53 4291

    ofc it is konosuba is my fav

    22 september 2020 04:21 4291

    Yeah although Disney banned a lot of them still you can see anime with premium membership at anime sites

    26 october 2020 05:37 4291

    it will be ending soon cuz they storyline is pretty much done lol so yeah

    26 october 2020 07:05 4291

    I'm sort of not sure, I haven't watched the anime in a long time so i'm probably not the one you want to ask. Not sure why I even commented tbh.

    26 october 2020 20:48 4291

    The fourth or fifth season has finished and there won't be one for at least half a year or so. But there very likely will be another season. I honestly don't think this anime will ever end just because of how much money it pulls in compared to others. This might become another naruto or one piece situation.

    28 october 2020 15:03 4291

    Maybe A year or few years Idk

    30 october 2020 11:46 4291

    maybe i i dont know

    31 october 2020 20:27 4291

    Yes and its already s5 for the nxt upcoming SAO maybe 2 years or 1

    4 november 2020 04:42 4291

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