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    How it works

    Was supposed to get 2600sg, Got 0sg.

    This is some grade-A garbage. I sat through playing this game for a long time to get the task completed and got nothing for it. What's worse is I go through the process of creating a ticket and get an auto-response from "Misty" saying that I must not have completed the task and then it closes my ticket. What. The. Hell.

    13 july 2018 15:07 2208

    This is the exact reason I have hessitated to do the contracts. Is anyone else having issues with SG being distrubted on tasks? I had something similar happen on one of the offers months ago. Played the game to the point requried and never got rewarded. "Misty" bassically said it was out of her hands and on the 3rd party they go through.

    18 july 2018 21:13 2208

    i dont believe this it give it i just have some favorite tasks that 100% give sg

    21 august 2018 15:08 2208

    Same here, i am still waiting for my SG and i've completed many tasks including surveys and writing articles which took me a lot of time to do so :/

    2 september 2018 21:22 2208

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