So i'm slowly upgrading my PC ready for next gen, and i have been watching a lot of 'vs' cpu vids on Youtube. Whats impressed me most about Ryzen chips is how low cpu usage is for them, even getting outpaced by 'lesser' Intel chips when cpu usage is so low.
And it got me thinking about next gen, and how XSX and PS5 are using 8 core, 16 thread Ryzens, and how most games will be optimized for high core and thread counts. And thats when i think these Ryzens will really come into their own. Thats why i have decided to go with Ryzen.
Anyway i'm almost certainly going to go with a Ryzen R7 2700X.
2 reasons being one of the specialist shops on E-Bay where i buy most of my PC compnents over the years, are currently selling 2700x/mobo combo's at £100 off. They do a combo which actually uses the AMD version of my current Gigabyte mobo, which has served me well with my 6600k and 6700k.
I was considering a 3700x, but they are not on sale, and are £100-200 more than the 2700x.
I also play at vsynced 60fps, so the 3700x would be overkill for me, **** even the 2700x is overkill really, but at least i know i should be set for the whole of next gen for 60fps games.
Ordered another 2 8gb DDR4 ram stick, for 32gb total, and i will keep my 980ti for now, and upgrade gpu next year at some point.
So my first forray with AMD cpu's, and i just hope i'm right and Ryzen cpu's really come into their own next gen and get properly utilzed. Its really weird seeing 'vs' vids on Youtube where ridiculously cpu dependant games like AC Origins and Odyssey are only using 50% cpu usage on a 2700x, while the likes of I7-7700K's and 8700k's are using 80-100%.
What are your thoughts about Ryzen cpu's, and do you agree that next gen games should really start using all those cores and threads? Think i made the right choice regarding next gen?