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    Debate: What's the best T7 BB?

    Initially I scoffed at the design of the Gneisenau, sporting only 6 main battery 11' guns, but having played over the past week, I was stunned at the results. ...My kill ratio is off the charts. Then I read a little bit about the Scharnhorst, her sister ship, because I had confused the two. ...The Scharnhorst had 9 x 15' in. main batteries. ...At the moment I haven't playtested her, but I can only imagine that the results would be even better, given the superior firepower. ... The American BBs have all disappointed me, and the IJN Nagato, I think, is no upgrade over the T6 Fuso. On top of which, I don't think anyone would gainsay that the sisters are pretty ships, given their sleek lines.

    13 december 2017 18:26 89

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