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    The Advantages and Disadvantages of Amd Processors

    Before making your choice to buy a computer with an amd processor, visit this article!
    The advantages of AMD processor:

    AMD is cheaper than Intel
     If you are a gamer who does not have enough funds, lucky buddy because the processor is good for gamers whose price is quite cheap when compared with Intel.
    That's because AMD has not been too holding and dominating the world market. Meanwhile, the world market is still filled by Intel.
    That makes sense right?

    More Superior than Intel From Graphic Aspects
     One more thing for gamers. In addition to the price is cheaper, the quality of AMD graphics processor is better and suitable for playing games because the graphics display game will be more interesting if using this AMD processor.
    However, for youtuber or renderer less suitable if using this one processor. It's better to use Intel only if you want to render.

    AMD Processors Can Detect Malware
     AMD makers have an idea to add virus / malware detection features. This feature is called Enchanced Virus Protection (EVP). This feature works to check whether there is a virus contained in the program that will run.

    Better If Handling 64 bit Applications
     As technology advances, application development is also growing rapidly. That's a lot of content so it's 64 bit based.
    Well, AMD also took the opportunity to see this condition. Thus, AMD producers directly make the processor more optimal when handling 64-bit based applications. That's what business is called.
    Well, that was some of the advantages of AMD.

    Now I will discuss the lack of AMD processor or often called the processor of gamers.

    The Disadvantages of AMD Processors:

    Losing famous From Intel
     When viewed from the number of users in the world, AMD is still far from Intel. That's what makes AMD brand is not very well known by ordinary people.
    Anyone ever ask me, is he confused choosing an Intel or AMD processor?

    "so, do you think it's better AMD or Intel?"
    The answer depends on the need ...

    Intel or AMD has its own advantages and disadvantages. Intel's advantages are different from the advantages of AMD.

    Well, the good impact of this shortage is the price of AMD processors cheaper than the price of Intel because AMD has not earned a reputation as good as Intel.

    although in fact the quality of AMD is not less than Intel, even outside Intel. However, why does AMD not gain popularity like Intel?

    Fast Heat

     AMD more often expels heat. That's because AMD does not use the heatsink as its main cooling component.
    Some AMD still use the fan / fan as a cooling component. Some people have gone to ice cooler to reduce the noise that is not pleasant to hear.

    Lost to Multimedia

     For friends who like the multimedia world, I recommend not to use this processor in the process you do.
    Better to use Intel only because it is designed to handle matters relating to multimedia.

    Well, that's some of the advantages and disadvantages of AMD processors. Hope can help you in choosing a suitable processor for your needs.

    27 november 2017 16:49 1625

    well i wont agree with this as according to me intel processor are more better than AMD processors. live link

    8 october 2021 11:07 1625

    well i wont agree with this as according to me intel processor are more better than AMD processors. live link

    8 october 2021 11:51 1625

    has gone

    8 october 2021 18:54 1625

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