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    Age of Wonders Planetfall bg

    ¡Consigue Age of Wonders Planetfall totalmente gratis!

    Age of Wonders is a cult turn-based game set in fantasy world. Planetfall, however, is a spin-off of the series, which is slightly different from the previous parts. In this part we are moving to the sci-fi world, and the game offers RPG elements.

    Age of Wonders Planetfall is a multiplayer game for two people, which is scheduled to premiere on August 6, 2019. Thanks to Gamehag you can get it today by exchanging your Soul Gems for the code to download the game.

    If you want to play this unique spin-off of the strategy series, take advantage of our promotion today.

    Age of Wonders Planetfall bg

    Age of Wonders Planetfall

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    Age of Wonders, which has been winning the hearts of gamers around the world for several years, is a game series which was created by Triumph Studios. The series is set in a fantastic world. This is a series of strategic games.

    The game has its unique spin-off, which premiere is planned on August 6, 2019. This part is called Planetfall and, unlike other parts, is embedded in the science-fiction universe. You play here as the bravest of a galactic empire, and your task is to create a better future for your people.